{9}By Chance

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Daniel Sharman up top as Landon Parker

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Daniel Sharman up top as Landon Parker. What do you think? I don't usually like blondes but.... Daaanng..

Landon Parker

The wolf was untamable- as once again, I lost the battle for control. He was crazed and stupendously angry. I rounded on her parents that stood at the doorway gaping at their daughter as she inflicted self harm on herself. It all made sense now- how long had she been self harming herself with them in the same house I hadn't the slightest clue.

"How could you? HOW COULD YOU!?" It roared, throwing my head back as canines slid past my gums.

"I know you can smell her blood- it's all over the place. Why wouldn't you check on your own daughter? Your own flesh who's spilling your own blood?" I snarled, my voice now an unrecognizable cross between beast and man.

What was I doing? Not good, not good. Very bad, the wolf is out. I shouldn't care so much, go away, go away!! Getting to close to this- getting to close to her.

The wolf continued.

"How dare you treat my mate this way!" I screeched, the animal bending it's imaginative cage and pushing the boundaries even further. A collective gasp echoed through the room as realization dawned on them.

My mind started to think like a wolf as feral thoughts replaced my rational ones. All I could think were simple, mindless thoughts. Mate. Danger. Blood. Protect.

Her brother appeared in the doorway and looked momentarily heartbroken before he made a move to get closer to his sister. She had abandoned the razor and was now shaking as her seemingly fine façade crumbled away, showing how broken she truly was.

I grabbed his wrist and snarled, making sure he got the message. Touch her and you will die.

"You're her brother, her brother! You're supposed to protect and love and care for her but instead you dare ignore the fact she even exists?"

With that said the wolfs anger slowly faded, and walked with quick purposeful steps towards her as she cowered and wailed. He scooped her up even as she weakly fought against him, and held her close to our chest.

"She'll be staying with me from now on." I growled, moving to get past her parents. The son- my future theta- stood between me and the door.

"I don't think so. I know I'm not the ideal brother- but you're right. She's my sister and you are not just going to take her." He spat, his own wolf shining through. The wolf chuckled and sent him the coldest look it could muster, sending chills down his spine. By this point Bella had lost consciousness and the wolf purposefully held her closer to tick her brother off even more.

"Don't test me little human." It growled, cradling Bella and shoving him to the ground with his shoulder. It wasn't until we had made our way to the pack house had I regained control of myself.

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