{35} The Sight

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Bella Jones

I awoke with a stabbing light hitting my sensitive corneas. It was surreal. The once dark world I had lived in for so long started to fade, and slowly my sight returned. It happened gradually over the next several minutes. Flecks of lights here and there, distorted images of an old woman and a cell door. Then it worked it's way out, and the light became bearable. I was able to see completely again for the first time in what felt like forever. As sad as it sounds, the first thing I laid my sight upon was a locked door. And I loved it. While I hated it, I welcomed the sight. I quickly savored everything in the room. An older woman dressed in literal rags swept the moldy floor below us. She had icy blue eyes and wild, curly black hair. She seemed familiar to me, and her sadness was evident. The woman was too beautiful for her rags. She then took notice of me with widened eyes, hurriedly leaving. After the woman was gone and had left me to my binds, the hyperventilation started to kick in. I was shocked to stay the least. The last time I had contact with her, Leah had been surrounded by a pool of her own blood and cold as an icicle. I should have double checked. I should have wommanned up and gone back to that dreadful cabin. If I had, things might have been different. Leah might not have had to stay here with these rogues. Tears filled my eyes and large, echoing sobs left my lips. I cried for myself and for Leah. I must have sat there for what felt like hours wallowing in my pity.

Ten minutes later, after finally composing myself, I was able to detect a very distinct smell invading my nostrils. A chill went down my spine, and I couldn't even breathe it was so cold. I knew this smell.

I knew his smell.

My cell door crept open and I sucked in a painful breathe.  Heavy footsteps were muffled in the damp earth as he made his way towards me. The only way to describe it was a walking nightmare. A simple black, dirty hood shadowed his face and hid him from my sight. His hand went up, and a single finger traced its way over my scars, but I refused to show this bastard any weakness.

"Hello, my Bella," He chuckled, and the sound of my name coming from his mouth sounded wrong. I internally flinched, wishing for someone to find me. Anyone.

"Don't touch me!" I spat, intentionally making my voice as venomous as possible. This shut him up, and he growled lowly. A fist came in contact with my right cheekbone, instantly shattering it. I screamed in agony, hissing and writhing in my chair.  When I opened my eyes again, his hood had fallen down. His face had finally been revealed to me. Obsidian dark eyes and hook nose peered down at me, marring an otherwise roguishly handsome face. The color of his eyes chilled me to the bone, and I gasped in horror. There was no white, no other pigmentations of color. Just ebony through and through. And suddenly it all clicked. This poor man was lost to his wolf.

There's no telling how long he'd been like this, but by guessing it'd been quite a while. Decades if possible. This wasn't even a human anymore, just a hollow shell. The beast inside was in control, using his partner.

Before I could ponder further, another hit to my ribs made me clench in sheer, white-hot pain. I felt my rib buckle under the brute pressure, and tears teetered on the edge of my bottom lid. I wouldn't let them fall. Just as another fist was being raised into the air, he stopped. Tilting his head to the side, a scowl appeared on his face. Turning with one last glare, he left the room in a rush. I breathed a sigh of relief and finally embraced the pain my fear had kept from me. I can't describe in words what a buckled rib or a shattered cheekbone feels like, but basically, it hurt. A lot.

I finally let a single tear fall and took a few deep breaths to compose myself. I wasn't going to let this opportunity go to waste. I wasn't going to wait around for a night in shining armor to save me, I'll have to do it myself. Setting my mouth into a hard line, I made use of my eyes.  Scrounging the room, I started to devise my plan bit by bit.

To my right, a jagged splitter stood erect from a small wooden table leg just pointed enough to cut through my binds. The problem was getting there without making to big a racket. So, I began my stealthy descent. I slowly scooted the chair closer and closer, trying the be as quiet as possible. The small scraping noises coming from the legs on my own rickety chair elicited a wince every time. I finally stopped once the back of my chair hit the center of the table. Now the hard part. Pulling my shirt up to my mouth with my teeth, I clenched hard and mentally prepared myself for what was to come. I swayed back and forth for a few seconds before successfully toppling over onto my left shoulder. Screaming silently into my makeshift muffle, I clenched my eyes shut and waited to see if any guards had heard the thud. After a few moments of silence, I opened my eyes and got to work even as my shoulder trickled with pain that could only be brought on by a dislocation. My jaw ached with the jarring pain, and my whole body hurt from the previous blows which only added to the tension within.

I was going to get out of this place alive, come hell or high water.


Whew, finally got this done. Life is crazy right now, but now that I'm completely moved into my own place things should get easier. I'll have more time to dedicate to writing at least. And, I have an idea for a sequel book to this (*cough *winfrey* cough*). Is that something anyone would like??

Probably only a few chapters left!!!

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