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Bella Jones

Landon continued to talk my ear off as I continued to... Well not talk at all. Every time he would try to touch me I'd scream loudly
until he pulled back. I was beyond hungry at the point- and it seemed Landon knew this.

"Yes, can I get some food in here that is actually edible?" He growled at yet another nurse. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at his antics. Stupid angry alpha hormones.

The nurse apologized and scurried away- leaving me alone with the monster once again. Grimacing as my stomach gurgled once more, I leaned forward and clutched my belly.

"Quit being such a child and just eat something if you're hungry." Landon scoffed.

That boy was seriously starting to annoy me. No one calls the great Bella Jones a child. I scowled at his word choice and found the volume button. I turned the tv up until it blared and focused on completely droning him out.

Sadly he must have hit the power button, because Hell's Kitchen disappeared. Actually, I was getting pretty tired of being quiet.

"Oh I know what this is. You're playing hard to get, aren't you?" Landon laughed darkly. I rolled my eyes and bit back a snarky remark.

"Just admit you're into me Bella."
That finally made me snap.

"Oh, only when Hell freezes over Parker." I snorted in a clipped voice.

"I guess it already has." Landon said.

"Yeah right. Sorry, I'm not into the narcissistic pretty boy cliche Alpha type." I laughed at him, smirking in his general direction.

"You think I'm pretty?"

"I wouldn't know would I?"

That shut him up. Don't judge though, I don't want to be pitied. It did come in handy though.

"She finally speaks. Will she eat?" Tyler chuckled as he walked into the room. I was extremely hungry and finally decided to let them feed me.

After getting some sticky noodles and sauce down my throat, I finished off the rest of my powerade.

"When can I go home?" I sigh. I absolutely hated hospitals after spending quite a lot of time in this same exact one.

I finally got discharged and to my surprise my brother showed up to drive me home. Hesitantly climbing into the shotgun seat, I turned my head and stared out the window.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at your school?" I sighed. Due to his obvious hatred towards me- my parents had enrolled him in all boys private school outside of town.

"Nope. I'm transferring." Ben said, popping the p'. My eyebrows furrowed at his words, or maybe the fact he'd bothered to answer me.

"To another private school?" I asked him in confusion.

"No, to your school."

The words that come from Ben- my coward of a brother, make my mouth drop open about a foot and a half. It probably became unhinged.

"Close your mouth before you catch a fly Bells." Ben chuckled as we turn to the left, my open mouth curling into a scowl.

"Do not call me that." I whisper, trying to comprehend his motives. To torture me some more perhaps? With a sigh Ben stopped the car somewhere. I know we're not home by the smell of water- we lived no where near any water sources.

"Listen Bella, I know I haven't really been there for you the last few years... Like a brother should be. I wanted to pretend like your suffering didn't bother me. But it does. I don't like the way that mom and dad treat you, or how anyone treats you. I want to try and be better. Better for you." Ben explains, but as he talks the more angry I become. And then, by the time he finished- I was boiling.

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