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Pete's P.O.V.

I make a chat with just Mikey and I so then we can talk.

~In Chat~

Mikey <3: Hey Pete why did you want to make this chat?

Me: I wanted to talk about Friday night.

Mikey <3: Yes we kissed. Well more made out but yeah.

Me: Well yeah and me just coming out as gay and that stuff.

Mikey <3: You can tell me anything Wentz

Mikey <3: Anything at all

Me: Well we kissed I forgot to say I had a crush on you

Mikey <3 is gone off line.....

~Out Of The Chat~

'DANM IT I AM SUCH A FUCK DUMB ASS! YOU COMES OUT AND SAY THAT!' I thought to my self throughing a pillow across my room.

"Is everything okay Pete?" My mom open the door.

"Yeah it is all fine here." I rolled over on to my bed.

"Okay." She closed the door lightly.

~Mikey's P.O.V.~

'WHY DID I DO THAT! I SHOULD HAVE SAID THAT I LIKE PETE TOO! UGH I AM A DUMB ASS!' everything rushed through my head as I though I lost the change with my crush.

"Gee! Gee! Gerard! Gee Way! GERARD FUCKING WAY!" I yelled from my room; my mom and dad did not really care I swore or not.

"What! Do you want Mikey!" Gerard flings open the door.

"I need help!"

"What did Pete do?" He sat down next to me on my bed.

"Well look!" I hand Gerard my phone.

"Well do you like him or not." He asked my cheeks flushing red.

"Well yes-"

"You have had a crush on Pete havent you!"

"Maybe." I lie it was Yes. A smiple Yes.

"Well text him back tell him that you like him." Gerard leaves the room and I text Pete back.

~In Chat~

Me: I am sorry I did not know how to take this

Petey;3: Oh if I ruiend our friend ship I am sorry

Me: No! No! I like you back Pete and that is why I paniced

Petey;3: Shit shit shit what do I say!

Me: I love you

Petey;3: Love you too Mikey

Me: See you in the moring

Petey;3: yeah!

~Out Of Chat~

"GERARD!" I yelled again.

"WHAT MIKEY!" I hear him yell from up stairs.



"GO TO BED BOTH OF YOU!" our mom piped in.



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