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(Y/N) P.O.V

[3 days the hit in the head and Patrick is visiting]

'Shit my head' my eyes start to slowly open. My head was pounding and I could not make a one thought. My eyes wonder the room; taking in everything they saw. There are 2 chairs in the room I was is. One was just alone in the corner. I turn my head slowly the other chair trying not to hurt myself. This chair was right next to the bed I was in. And there he was. Patrick Martin Stump sleeping in that chair.

"H-hey.... Trick.... Wake u-up." I mange to get of my mouth. His eyes flicker open till I see his blue-yellow eyes.

"(Y-Y/N)! You are up!" The second Patrick sees me his eyes start to almost glow.

"And still alive. What happened?" I put my head back on the pillow to rest. When my head the soft pillow it did not seem right. My hair it was all gone pretty much. I did not really care; it was hair it will come back.

"Oh god, do you really want to know?" He ask rubbing my hand.

"Patrick I was knocked out. What the hell happened?" I ask one more hoping to get my answer.

"(Y/N) well your mom though a bottle at your head and you were knocked out. I heard this happen because you yelled, so I ran over." Tears start to water in his eyes "You were bleeding out. I tried to stop it as best I could till my mom came to help. Brendon, Pete, Gerard, Mikey, even Ryan all stood by you."

"Thank you Patrick. I love you." I hold his hand.

"I love you too (Y/N)." A week smile forms across his face.

"Hey, Trick why are you crying I am the one in bed here." I ask.

"(Y/N) I thought I lost you and I did not know what to do. WE all thought we just saw our best friend and my girl friend dye in my arms." Tears start to flow down his face.

"Patrick Martin Stump you should know you can never get to me that easy." I smile up at him.

"Yeah you are right, but it was still scary."

"I bet." The smile on my face starts to fade.

"Hey are you okay?" Patrick looks at my face slowly turning into a frown.

"Just that I have no one in my family now. Dad is dead. Mom tried to kill me. Grandma and Grandpa live on the other side of the country. I am truly alone." Patrick lifts up my falling chin.

"Hey never say that. You have Me, Pete, Brendon, Gerard, Mikey, Ryan. We are all here. Wait here hold on." Patrick goes digging into his pocket.

"Here I grabbed this." He hands me a pair of ear buds, a phone charger, and my phone.

"Thank you so much." I open my phone trying to type in my pass word. My hands kept on twitching and shaking.

"Can you do it." I hand Patrick my phone.

"Yeah here." He opens it up knowing my password and heading on to the face time app.

"Who should we call first?" He asked looking at me with a smile.

"Ummmmm Pete." I answer. The phone begins to ring and in 5 seconds he picks up. It was face time so I could see his face light up.

"(Y/N)! YOU ARE UP! AND ALIVE! AGH! HAPPY!" Pete yells.

"Good to see you too Wentz." I smile at his joy.

"Wait hold on. BABE COME HERE!" He yells. I look over to Patrick cause last time I was up Pete was single.

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