small psa

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okay so I'm sorry there's been a lack of updates life gets busy and I get emotionally fucked over. but I just want everyone to know that as of May 31, 2017 I am officially one year clean of all self harm.
(insert small dance session here)

I want everyone to know that fighting a battle such as that is hard and it will always be hard. all I can say is start out by taking things beat by beat, then go to second by second, and move on from there. I am at the point of mind where I can go month by month without thinking about it. and it took a lot of patience, and time, and perseverance to do it. it's a hard battle to win but anyone can do it. you just have to believe.

thank you everyone who's been by my side you know who you are. thank you everyone for sticking with me.
it might take me a bit to start updating again because of my emotional state right now but I will try to start getting back on track.
thank you.

good night.

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