24. House of vampires and me the human

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"Claire hey Claire"

"Yeah" I said without looking at the person who called me.

"Erm well.....I don't know what to say.."

I glanced up at Helen who was looking at everyone mouthing the words say something.

"I know what to say" Jason looked right at me "Stay away from him okay otherwise you will not be leaving this house"

"Okay" I replied

"Wait what? You're not going to argue"

"Nope I will stay away from him as soon as I finish my project in English"

"I knew it there was something behind that. So I guess you will have to stay in the house" he gave me one of his devil smiles.

"No you see I need to get a good grade in English all my lessons for that matter and if that means I'm hanging around with werewolves that's fine."


" Erm well to do the project I need to go over his house and I'm sure he would be living with other werewolves I mean Sam and Alex"


"DUMB" I Shouted at him.

"Yes dumb now stop shouting your giving me headache. God the amout of times I've said this but you relay have a fucking death wish."

"Huh weird how can I have a death wish when I know it's going to come true."

"No it's not" Everyone stared at Jason in confusion so did I.

"Wait what you said to that lady-"

"Cynthia" Blake interrupted me.

"I don't care less what her name was. Jason said he was going to let me die so he is"

"Claire I have already said this we are not going to let you die"

"Yeah well it is not up to you"

"That's it" Huh? Everyone looked at Jason and nodded in agreement Blake got hold of my arm and Fayt got hold of my other while Jason made his way out of the living room door and we all followed.

"Hey get off me what's going on"

We was making are way to this dark place now fayte and Blake still holding me we walked in to this bright room which was caged and it had a bed in the comer and no windows. Jason opened the cage and left the door in and Blake and fayte dragged me in.

"Hey What's going on?"

They dumped me on the bed and sooner than I now I am in the jail cell and they are outside of it. I was locked in.

"hey what's the big idea?" I said while walking to the jail bars.

Helen was the first one to talk "We didn't want to do this"

"Speak for yourself I think she deserves this" Shane said.

"God I hate you Shane. She does not and you know it" Helen stormed out with Shane on her trail apologising.

"Okay what the hell is going on get me out this is not funny"

"It is not meant to be funny you are staying in here until you come to your senses Claire and I mean it" Jason said with a firm voice.

They all started to walk off.

"HEY COME BACK YOU CAN'T O THIS JASON." He didn't reply he walked and locked the door leaving me in a cell.

"JASON I'M GONING TO KILL YOU" Stupid bloodsucker.

I turned around and sat on the small bed. The only thing that was running through my head was what if I need the toilet I'm screwed.

I sighed and lied down on my bed. I glanced to my side their wasn't much in here just a small table next to the bed with a book on it. I picked up the book 'Of mice and men' God the amount of times I have read this book it's amazing. I was about to read but the door opened I dropped the book on the floor and glanced up to see who it was.

"Fayte what are you doing here?"

"Thought you might need company"

"Awwwww isn't that sweet. Not get me out of here now that would be sweet"

"Claire you know I can't "

"It's not hard break the bars"

"Claire I can't-"

"Fine I don't need your copanny.Go"

"No Claire I don't want you to die as much as Jason maybe even more"

"Yeah well I am not coming to my senses or whatever I guess I'll have to die in this jail cell"

Fayte sighed. And so did I. He stood up and started to walk out. When I just stated to cough really badly I put my hand over my mouth as a reaction

"Claire why can I smell blood" Fayte asked

I stated to cough more I glanced down at my hand to see blood I looked at Fayte who seemed to be holding back his hunger.

"Claire is you okay"

"I'm fi-"I didn't even get half way through when I started to cough again

"Jason I'll get Jason" Fayte mumbled it seemed he couldn't handle the smell.

It stopped now and I was on the ground knelling over when Jason charged in. He took one glace at my hands and opened the cell really fast and was already next to me.


"Yeah I'm fine"

"I never asked that" He grabbed me by the arm and suddenly I was being carried bridal style.

We were making are way through the living room to get to the front door when Helen, Shane and Blake came rushing over with worried faces .

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