Cuddles- Itachi x Reader

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 (Y/N) P.O.V

I do not regret anything I did the previous night. Long story short me and my buddy Hidan got fucking wasted, and honestly that's all I can remember. However now I am suffering the consequences of the choices I made even. 

Though me and Hidan have been banned from drinking by the rest of the Akatsuki we did it anyway.  And the good thing is my boyfriend Itachi is on a mission so he can't be mad! 

-- Time skip to the afternoon-- 

               I was like half asleep thinking of strawberry cake and, if anyone tries to take it they die. However I was interrupted mid-thought when the door creaked open. As I was about to yell at said person who opened the door, upon I seeing who it was I hid under the covers.

         "Please (Y/N), I know your there and Sasori told me what you did," Itachi said clearly not pleased.

        All I could think at that moment is 'Damn that back stabbing puppet!' After that little thought, I heard the bed creak and, the blankets were taken off of me. Though there were soon replaced, and in addition Itachi was next to me holding me around the waist. I couldn't help but give a small smile and snuggle into him.

      "We are going to cuddle for the rest of the day and, you can not leave deny. The only reason you are allowed is if you need to use the restroom." Itachi instructed and gave me a kiss on the forehead. 

       All I did was nod and snuggle up to him more, enjoying the warmth of his embrace. I looked up to him, giving a passionate kiss on his lips and mumbling 'I love you my weasel.' 

 Before drifting off to sleep I heard his reply 'I love you too.'


Hope you guys enjoyed this short but sweet one-shot, with my beloved Itachi!

Anyhow Hope you guys have a great day!

Peace People~ - NightAngel2004

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