Little Coffee Shop- Cheater! Itachi x Reader Modern AU

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(Y/N) P.O.V

Today was like any other day. A nice peaceful day, without any trouble or worry. The house was quite like usual in the afternoon, as I sat and read my book on the sofa. But as I sat and read my book, I suddenly remembered that I needed to buy milk. I groaned in annoyance as I stood up, closing my book as I prepared to leave. 

Once I exited the house, I was hit with a warm breeze causing me to smile.

'You know what, I think I'll walk to the supermarket today!' I thought cheerfully while I locked the door to the house. And with that my walk to the supermarket began.

-- Small Time Skip brought to you by a Neat Freak --

I continued to smile as I walked down the streets of downtown (Some Place). One of the reason I love taking walks in downtown (Some Place) is because of all the little shops I can look at, for example this one retro candy store called the 'Giggling Lamb'. Although when I was walking up to this small Coffee Shop something caught my eye.

A man identical to Itachi was sitting there chatting to a woman when, all of the sudden they kissed passionately. There was a sinking feeling in my stomach because, the man even had the same suit Itachi wore to work this morning.

Just trying to calm my nerves I called out, "Itachi, is that you?"

Then to my dismay the man turned around and, sure as hell it was Itachi. His eyes widened when he saw me. 

By now many tears were running down my face, as my heart broke. I quickly turned around forgetting about the milk I still needed to purchase and, headed straight home. Behind me I could hear the yells of Itachi telling me to stop or, slow down. But what did I do, I just ignored him and kept going.

Eventually though Itachi caught up to me.

"(Y/N) *huff* Please let me *huff* explain." Itachi wheezed out as he stood in front of me, holding my shoulders.  

Looking down I uttered one word, "No..."

"What?" Itachi asked not hearing what I said.

"I said No!" I screamed out as I looked him in the eyes while more tears poured out of mine, "What is there to explain?!?!?! You were clearly on a date with another girl! I thought you loved me!"

My sudden outburst seemed to shut Itachi up because, he looked down himself not saying a word.

"Now If you excuse me." I say pushing past Itachi, "I am going home!"

Then with that I walked all the way home with many tears rolling down my cheeks. 

-- Another small Time skip brought to you by Kuroko --

Right now it is around 6pm and I am in the living-room watching (Show Name). Thankfully Itachi has not come home... yet. While I was watching (Show Name) there was a knock at the door, so I paused my show. 

Getting up I walked over to the door and opened it on the other side was Itachi...

Now you guys decides what happens next! Do you:

A) Forgive Itachi and give him another chance

B) Kick his sorry Ass out


C) Leave him for me!

(I would go for C...)

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