Doll- Sasori x Child Puppet! Reader

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(Y/N) P.O.V

Master always told me I was his favorite, that I was his pride and joy. Even though I could not talk back he would spend hours talking to me, sometimes he would even be as kind to brush my hair. It made me so happy though he was the one who took my life at such a young age I couldn't stay mad, over the years I just accepted the fact that I was his, and I was finally okay with it. I found out rather easily he only kept me for my kekkei genkai which was the crystal release also another reason that made me his favorite was that we was able to let me keep my conscious. Unlike his other puppets I am able to see through the eyes of my now doll body and have my thoughts. So because Master knew I could see things he never put me in a scroll and kept me out, even to the point when he was on mission with his partner I would travel along side him. But there is one thing I don't understand about Master, he never put me into battle. No that I minded though it just had me curious.

Now at the present moment is the times I love with Master, when he sits me down brushes my hair and shows the emotions that remain with him to me.

"You know my precious Doll," Master started "You are my master piece, the jewel of my collection."

Because I couldn't turn around I wasn't able to see the faint smile on Sasori's face. So for the rest of the evening Master brushed my hair and would make the occasional comment, but not a one sided conversation like usual. After he decided my hair was good he turned me around so I was facing him. The next thing he did surprised me, he moved his wooden lips and kissed my also wooden forehead. Then he pick me up and sat me on my shelf above his bed. I was still shocked he has never done that before but it made me feel loved, what I heard him mumble made me even more shocked then before. As he laid down he mumbled out

"I love you my sweet little precious Doll...."

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