Board Games- Shikamaru x Reader

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there are modern board games in this.


(Y/N) P.O.V

"GOD DAMMIT!!!" I yelled furious that Shikamaru won yet again. "I swear to god that you are cheating!"

"(Y/N) please try to explain to me how to cheat at Monopoly?" Shikamaru asked seemingly amused by my out burst.

"I don't know! Your Shikamaru you'll find a way," I replied annoyed that I still haven't won one game out of the 20 we played throughout the whole day.

Shikamaru just gave a simple 'Ha ha' to counter my statement.

"Alright, I got a game I know you can't cheat at." I began an evil smirk appeared on my face but, before I could finish my pineapple haired boyfriend interrupted me.

"Babe you know we have been playing games all day at your place, but could we maybe cudd-" Now it was my turn to interrupt him.

"Shika my house,My rules." I stated "And the next game we are playing is drum role please.......... Twister!"

My reaction from him was him rolling his eyes and probably thinking 'Troublesome woman.' The next thing I do is skip to the closet smiling with pure joy, grab the twister box from the closet and go back to the living room still skipping. With the help of a reluctant Shikamaru but with my death glares to give him motivation, we move the coffee table and put down the mat and spinner.

"Okay who is going first, me or you?" I question tilting my head smiling.

"Hold up, because we are playing yet another game we are making a bet," Shikamaru declared now gaining a smirk of his own. "If I win we do whatever I want to do tomorrow and vise verses-a, seem fair?"

With a nod from me in approval, we began with Shikamaru going first.

--- Time skip brought to by Alice in wonderland ---

"I won I won oh yeah oh yeah~" I sang as I did my victory dance.

"Okay, okay I get it no need to brag." Shikamaru groaned getting agitated by my boasting.

"Fine fine, aaannnnddd I already know what we are doing tomorrow~" I sang once again still very please with my victory. Shikamaru sighed expecting the worse but to his surprise I said "Tomorrow I dub thee day a lazy/cuddle day so no objections!"

I smiled as did Shikamaru knowing we weren't doing anything drastic. After my deceleration Shikamaru stood up and walked over to me and, towering over me cause I am so short as most people say but I am vertically challenge is all.

"Well I guess this is a win win situation," Shikamaru said still having a faint smile "I love you babe." Then he kisses me and I return the short kiss before I say "I love you to pineapple."

"Ugh.. Way to ruin the moment (Y/N)!"


Hey guys, sorry for not updating for awhile and if this chapter is really crappy. I promise the next one will be much better, so hope you guys have a great day!

Peace people~~ -NightAngel2004

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