lucky seven

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Tsukishima dumped seven girls who confessed to him officially when he was in middle school.

He says they we're just 'too annoying', but only Yamaguchi knows about the fact that he did those things just because he was afraid he might further hurt them in the future, and that he might not be so good at returning their feelings.

It's as if he's paranoid, and that he believes he would never make such a good 'boyfriend' or something. Truth be told, he actually liked one of the girls who confessed to him, though he turned her down with the usual 'okay', then left.

*whispers* Having one freakin' real friend proves that. *wink*'

- Suga ( sent this to other Karasuno members as Christmas cards excluding the people whose names had been mentioned bc things have been heating up in the team so he decides to calm them down )

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