a thousand reasons

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"sequel to 'that one reason', a bestselling shitwork that took the world by storm!"
- high que times, 2018

"the first part was solid, but i keep suspecting noxi's gonna run out of ammo for this one. let's just hope for the best."
- oru maito wannabee, author of 'no longer animal'


Indeed i already have ran out of shit to write.


hinata: kageyama.

kageyama: hinata...

hinata: k-kageyama!

kageyama: h i n a t a !


kageyama: ... oh. so you were calling me?

hinata: oh my fucking god, yes.

kageyama: i thought we were going to do some corny tv drama for a moment there. alright, give me the telecscope.

hinata: *gives the telescope* omg i touched senpai's haaaaandddd!!!

kageyama: lezz see... *looks thru the telescope* uhhh... why the hell is tsukishima spying on the warehouse?

hinata: kyaaaaa senpai no kao wa chikai!!! watashi no kokoro wa-- mou-- mou! gaman shite kure yo, shouyo! *straight face* who knows... that's why we're stalking him, kageyama.

kageyama: huh. okay. he's talking to someone through a transceiver. probably on his ear, the mic is attached to a watch.

goshiki: where's the watch?

kageyama: on his wrist, of-fucking-course.

goshiki: okaaay~

hinata: alright. so here, *hands a whistle to goshiki* on count of three, you blow the whistle to divert tsukishima's attention, and me and kags go down to ransack the warehouse.

goshiki: uh-huh.

kageyama: on my signal, hinata, we jump down from the tree and goshiki, you try to distract the blondie as much as you can without showing yourself.

goshiki: u h - h u h !

hinata: alright. one... two...

tsukishima: *looks at the branch the gang is perched on* *smirks* three.

kageyama: SHIT! he's spotted us. *puts the telescope away and puts gas mask on*

goshiki: *blows whistle*

hinata: WHAT THE FUCK?!

tsukishima: *points magically-appearing gun at the branch*

kageyama: HE'S DOING THE GENERIC VILLAIN SLOW MO, WE GOT TIME. *grabs hinata's hand* C'MON, LET'S GO.

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