The audition

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I wake up to my phone going off. I look at it and see Emily was calling me. I answer it.

M- Maxie E- Emily

M- Hello?

E- Good morning sunshine. Time to wake up. Your audition is today. I'll be there in about 45 minutes to take you. Lauren had a photo shoot to go to. You will get to meet Chandler today also so wear something pretty.

M- Oh alright I'm up. I'm wearing a dress okay. is it warm enough?

E- yeah well, I got to go. okay be ready.

M- Okay bye


I hang up and look around. I sigh and look through bags and find my orange dress. I walk in my bathroom and take a 5 minute shower.  I step out and wrap my towel around me. I  tuck the towel in so it won't fall off. and go to my bags. I look through them and find my blow dryer. once I find it I low dry my hair and pull it into a ponytail. I dry my body off and find my deoterant. i put some on and slip in the dress. I look in the mirror and smile. Perfect fit. I find some make up and put on mascara and eyeliner. I look in my mirror and grab my phone. I take a picture and set my phone down. I walk over to my bags and start hanging them up. After i hang all the clothes up I check the time. its 7:37 and Emily called at 7. I sigh and find some brown slip on sandals. I put them on and grab my brown purse. I put my phone, wallet, and ChapStick in it. I put my purse over my shoulder and walk downstairs. I see a key on the table and a note. it says


here's a house key. Emily will wake you up and explain everything. See you soon. good luck!


I pick it up and put it in my purse. I walk in the kitchen and grab a apple off the counter. I walk into the living room and turn on the news. There's a picture of Me, Emily, and Lauren.

it says "Is there a new actress in the walking dead? Emily Kinney and Lauren Cohan were seen yesterday with this mystery girl buying a lot of clothes. Turn in later for more." I sigh and her Emily honk. I turn the tv off and walk to the door. I lock it and shut it. I walk to the car and get inside.

I say "Hey!"

She says "Hey! That dress looks really good on you."

I say "Thanks."

I buckle up and we head off to the studio. We pull up into a big parking lot and park.

She says "You ready?"

I say "No but I'm going anyways."

She smiles and gets out of the car. I do the same and walk to the door with Emily behind me. All the girls look our way and give me death looks. I walk to a place and sign my name. I walk over and sit down. I wait for about 1 hour having small talk with Emily.

A lady walks in and says "Maxie Cohan."

Emily says "Good luck!"

I get up and turn and smile at Emily. I follow the lady into a room where Chandler, Robert, and some other guys are.

The lady says "Smile into the camera and tell us about yourself."

I look into the camera and say "Hi I'm Maxie Cohan. I was recently adopted by Lauren Cohan. I love acting and I want this part because The walking dead was the only thing that brought my real family together before they died."

I flash the camera a smile a walk on stage. I look at Chandler and our eyes lock. He face drops as he looks at me. I smile and a man hands me a script. I gladly take it.

He says "Chandler, get up there."

He nods and walks up the stage to me. I smile and he nods. Well he's nice.

I say "Carl, I can't keep living like this! Were trapped in a prison, thinking its safe but its not! I'm not staying here like this. Half the people don't even know what the world is like out there. What if something bad happened. They would die! I can't afford to lose anyone else."

He says "Kelsey its okay. Nothing bad will happen."

I say "How could you even say that!"

He says "Because I have hope. Hope keeps us alive."

I say "No hope tricks you into thinking your safe."

With that I turn and walk away. For dramatic effect. They all start clapping. I turn and smile. I walk back up to chandler. I look him in they eyes. There beautiful. Blue, kinda like the boy who saved me. Wait. C.R, Chandler Riggs.

I say "You might not remember me. We saw each other two or three days ago. You went after the car that was sinking. You went for a boy but he said go for the girl. But, the girl was the only one you could save. I was the only one you could have saved."

He says "Maxie, you remember? The doctor said you wouldn't remember."

I say "But I do. Thank you."

I wrap my arms around his neck giving him a hug.

Robert says "Give us time to talk things through and if you get the part then I'll call Lauren. Good luck."

I pull from Chandler and walk out. I can't believe he saved my life. And now I might work with him as his love interest. 

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