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I wake up and go take a shower. I went home after me and Chandler kissed. We have to do it again. Thank god. I take my shower and blow dry my hair. I throw a shirt and pants on. I'm not aloud to wear make-up. I grab my phone and walk down stairs. Lauren is waiting on me.

I say "I'm ready!"

She says "You seem happy? What's up?"

I say "Me and Chandler kisses today!"

She says "You like him?"

I say "Yep. This scene seems good. I like it so far."

She gives me a smile and we pull into a studio. We stop and Lauren rolls down her window and shows the body guard her pass.

He says "What about her?"

Lauren says "She's the new one. So, she don't have a pass yet."

He nods and Lauren drives off. We pull up into a parking spot and get out of the car. We walk to the studio and I smile. This is awesome. Chandler runs up to me and hugs me and pulls me to my trailer. He opens the door and shows me inside.

I say "Woah, who decorated this?"

He says "Me? You like it right!?"

I say "No. I love it!"

He smiles and pulls me to the dressing room.

A lady says "Is this the new one?"

Chandler says "Yep! She's ready! See you later Maxie. I gotta go get ready".

I say "Bye!"

The lady says "Hi I'm Lucie. I'm your hair, make-up, and clothes person. Here go put this on!"

She hands me clothes and I go inside the bathroom and put it on. A perfect fit. I walk out and she smiles. She motions me to sit in a chair. I do and she puts my hair in a messy ponytail. She dirty's up my face and puts some ChapStick on my lips.

She says "Ready for the finishing touch?"

I say "Sure!"

She hands me a vest that looks like Daryl's.

I say "No way!!!!"

She nods and smiles. I put it on and she looks at me. She nods to herself and motions me to go. I wonder off and run into someone.

I say "Oh I'm sorry!"

I look up and see Norman Reedus.

He says "Its fine. But who are you?"

I say "Maxie. I play Kelsey Dixon."

He says "My daughter! I have been waiting to meet you."

I say "Well Mr.Reedus you have met me!"

He says "Please call me Norman."

I say "Okay! Do you mind showing me around, helping me meet everyone?"

He says "Who have you met?"

I say "My mom, Chandler, Robert, Lucie and yeah that's it."

He says "Okay sure. But who's your mom?"

I say "Lauren Cohan."

He mods and motions me to follow him. I go around and meet everyone. The. they call me on stage.

~Acting the scene~

I'm sitting in the corner.

Rick says "We need a plan to get out of here."

I have my head in my knees. I sneeze. Daryl looks at me and walks over to me.

He says "Who is she?"

Maggie says "No one knows. She was here when we got here. She won't speak. Claims she wants her dad."

I look up and see Daryl.

I say "Daddy?"

He looks at me and I stand up really quick and run to him. He picks me up and spins me around.

I say "I found you!"

I cry in his shoulder. He hugs me tight.

Maggie says "I never knew you had a daughter."

Daryl says "Why you think I went through hell to find Sophia? Cause I knew what it was like to loose a daughter. Kalsey, how did you get here?"

I say "Some blond named Beth. She helped me here. Then she went off looking for someone. She wouldn't say who and I don't know why. Then those people took my cross bow and through me in here."

Carl walks over and sits next to me. I knew him before.

He says "What's your name?"

I say "Kelsey. You?"

He says "Carl. I know you. We went to the same school. For a long time until you stopped going."

I say "Really? I never knew that. Well, I don't remember anyways."

He looks me in the eyes.

He says "I should have did this a long time ago."

He leans in and our lips connect. I'm supposed to wait a second before I kiss back. So, I do then I start kissing back. Then Mary comes in and takes me away.

I scream "No! Daddy! Help me!"

I wiggle and kick. I kick her in the face ( Not hard. Just looks like it). I climb back in and run into Carl's arms. Rick jumps out along with Daryl and start beating people. I cry into Carl's shoulder.

~End of acting~

Meeting you ( a chandler riggs fanfic ) REWRITINGWhere stories live. Discover now