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I wake up to Sam shaking me. I look around and sigh.

He says " We have 5 minutes before we land. There is already fan girls out there. Just thought i would wake you up that way you look awake in the pictures they take."

I say " Do I have to take pictures. ughhhh."

He smiles and motion to Chandler who is still sleeping on top of me. I shake him lightly.

I say "Chandler, wake up were in Hawaii!"

He sits up and looks around. His hair is a mess and I find it attractive. Wait no. Sam. Well, god.. I sigh and pull Sam's hood over my head. I lean my head back and sigh even louder. Everyone looks at me. My stomach gets a sick filling. I get up and rush to the bathroom. I start puking. Chandler runs to my side and holds my hair back. I finally stop and wipe my mouth. I find it funny that Chandler was there and not Sam.

I say "Thanks."

He nods and pulls my hair into a ponytail. I smile and rinse my mouth out with water. I walk back to my seat and sit down. Sam looks at me and frowns. I go to hold his hand but he pulls away. What the heck? He looks me in the eyes and I roll them. Two can play at this game. The flight attendant comes and tells us its time to get off. We get off and walk in the airport. We instantly get attacked by fan girls. There scream questions but one stands out.


I stop and turn to the girl that said it.

I say "You know. Were having a time. Thanks for asking. Can I have a picture?"

She nods. I pull my phone out and so does she. We both take selfies. We post them on our instagram. I like her picture and she does the same for me. I smile and wave at her. Sam grabs my hand and starts pulling me to the car. We got our own limo with just me and him. I sigh and get in. He looks mad.

He says " What was that!? You can't just take pictures with people!"

I say "I can do what I want! Last time I checked you weren't my da-"

I stop at that and look down. Tears start filling the brims of my eyes. Sam rolls his eyes. I look at him and shake my head.

He says "What's wrong with you?"

I say "Are you serious? I just lost my family and got adopted. Then my boyfriend starts treating me like crap just because I never rode on a plane and got sick. Does it bother you that I threw up? Well maybe you should find yourself a girlfriend that don't throw up. Don't talk to me durning this trip unless you have to. Bye Sam."

With that the limo stops like its on time and I get out. I walk to the door and Chandler opens it for me. I nod at him and fake smile. I walk in behind Norman.

I say "So how is rooms going?"

He say " I'll get my own room, then you kids get two rooms, for you guys to share. One room has  2 beds and the other has 1. So one has to sleep together and I'm guessing Sam and Maxie will share."

I say "How about not? I'll share with Chandler or Mignus. Just not him."

I sigh and walk over to Chandler. I look at him and he nods. Witch means he will. I smile at him and he gives me a questioning look. I mouth 'later' to him. He nods and puts his arm around me. I feel myself tense up as a shock goes through my body. I ease up and we start walking. I pull my phone out and change my bio to single. I sigh and put my phone back. I look at Chandler who still has his arm around me. I smile and Norman hands me a key. I take it and open my and Chandlers room. I walk in and my jaw drops. I have never stayed in a hotel before either. I let go of my bag and run and jump on the bed.  I smoke and jump on it. I fall join my belly and let out a joyful scream. I look at Chandler and smile. I motion him to come and sit. He does and looks at me.

He says "So what happened with you and Sam?"

I say "You know how I got sick on the plane?"

He nodded.

I say "Well he acted like he never pukes. He wouldn't even hold my hand. So I broke up with him. I get sick a lot. If he can't deal with it then he doesn't need to be with me. if I get sick, I want someone to take care of me."

He says "That's Sam for ya. He always acts like that. Dont worry We will still have fun. Just don't let it bother you."

I say "Thanks Chan. Your the best."

I pull him in to a hug and we kinda just stay there for a while. We pull apart when we hear a knock on the door.

Meeting you ( a chandler riggs fanfic ) REWRITINGWhere stories live. Discover now