Photo shoot

567 14 1

I wake up to my phone ringing. I look at it see that Chandler is calling. I answer it, witch was a mistake.

M-Maxie C-Chandler

M- Hello?

C- Morning sunshine.

M- Shut up. Why did you call me so early?

C-Its 11. Our photo shoot is in a hour. Lauren knows where to go.

M- Shit. Okay what do I wear?

C- Anything. Lucie is bringing our clothes.

M- ugh okay I gotta go.

C-Okay bye.


I hang up and quickly run down stairs. I see Lauren cooking.

I say "Chandler just called. Our photo shoot is in a hour. Its just for me and him. He said you know where to go. I gotta go take a shower. bye mo- Lauren!"

I run up stairs and start taking a shower. I almost called her mom. I hope she don't mind. I refuse to let myself cry over my family. The only one I would cry over is my brother. I get out and get dresses. I blow dry my hair and brush my teeth. Then my phone starts ringing.

M-Maxie N-Number

M-Hello, this is Maxie speaking. Who is this?

N- Maxie? Baby? Are you okay? Did those terrible people hurt you?

M- What the hell? There not terrible. I love them. I'm living the life I always wanted because of them. Now who the hell is this and what do you want?

N-This is aunt Bea, Your brothers funeral is here in Kentucky tomorrow. You better be there. Or your gro-

M- Or I'm what grounded! Funny how you never had anything to do with me until I became famous. I'll be there with body guards and someone famous. A friend. Don't talk to me and don't talk about me.

N- Make sure you and her-

M- He

N- No! You can't have a he there.

M-You can't tell me what to do. Bye.

I hang up and look at the time. 11:30. I put some shoes on and grab my purse. I walk down to Lauren who seems off. Maybe because I called here mom. She grabs her keys and walks out the door. We get into the car and start driving.

I say " I'm sorry I called you mom. I wasn't thinking."

She says "Its fine sweetie. Call me what you want. As long as its not bad."

I say "Thanks. So, your birthday is coming up. What do you want?"

She says "I don't know."

I already know what I'm getting her. She just doesn't know it yet.  We pull up and Chandler comes to my door and opens it for me. I nod in response. We walk in and Lucie gives us clothes. We both change and walk in front of a screen. The guy comes up and shakes my hand. He turns me and Chandler so were facing each other. He puts my hand on his shoulder and his hand on my waist.

The guys says "Look in the camera!"

We look and he snaps a picture. He positions us again. Chandler is behind me leaning on ' the train cart' wall, and I'm I front of him leaning on his chest. His arms wrap around me and pictures snap.

The guy says "Make a good kissing position!"

My cheeks heat up and I look at chandler. He nods and we walk in the middle. We stand in front of each other. He puts his hand on my waist and I put my hands around his neck.

The guy says "Alright now make a long kiss for me!"

I look Chandler in the eyes and we lean in. Letting our lips slowly move together. Pictures are snapping I really don't care. I feel safe, loved, amazing, like the sparks are going off. This moment is perfect even if he's acting I'm not. I like Chandler. We both pull away out of breath.

He looks me in the eyes and nods. I nod back.

I say "Chandler, will you do me a favor?"

He says "Depends."

I say "Are you busy tomorrow?"

He says "Uh yeah kinda why?"

I say " Nevermind. I'll ask Sam."

He nods. I walk away. I go outside and a limo is there. He rolls down the window.

He says "Maxie Cohan? You mom sent me to take you home."

I pull my phone out and I have a text from her saying yeah. I text Sam and say

To: Sammeh
Are you busy tomorrow?

To: Maxie
Nope. What's up?

To: Sammeh
My brothers funeral is tomorrow. Would you come with me?

To: Maxie
Let's me go ask my mom.

To: Sammeh

To: Maxie
She said yeah but I have to be back that day.

To: Sammeh
Thanks. I really need someone with me.

To: Maxie
No problem. How are we getting there.

To: Sammeh
Limo. I'll pick you up?

To: Maxie
Okay. I gotta go. I'll text you In the morning.

To: Sammeh
Alright. Bye Sam.

To: Maxie
Bye Max.

I put my phone up and the limo stops at my house.

I say "Thank you"

He nods and I walk in the house. I explain everything to Lauren and she agrees. She calls the limo people and they agree.

I say "Can I have some money for a dress. Please?"

She says "Yeah! When you get back we will get you a credit card."

She gets in her wallet and pulls out 4 20 dollar bills. She hands it to me and I nod. I go up stairs and grab a jacket. I put it on and walk down stairs.

Meeting you ( a chandler riggs fanfic ) REWRITINGWhere stories live. Discover now