On the way back home

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I lay my head on Sam's chest. I feel l like crying my eyes out. I miss my brother. He was the person I told everything to. I sigh and pull out my phone. I turn it on and see I have a message from Chandler.
To: Maxie
We need to talk. Big time!

To: Chandler
Okay. What?

To: Maxie
Your coming to my school. Lauren told me. People there can't know were friends. Cause they will think something is up. Your not famous yet so we gotta stay away from each other.

To: Chandler
You know my name is on the list of actors? But, whatever. I'm not in a good mood. Bye

To: Maxie

I put my phone down and look at Sam. He's on his phone. I get on twitter and sit up. I take a picture without him knowing. I post it on twitter and put as the caption Sam's enjoying himself! On the way back from Kentucky! I tag him in it and stare at him until he notices. He looks at me and smiles.

He says "Really?"

I say "Yeah! You looked like you were enjoying yourself so I posted it!"

He says "At least my photo don't look bad."

I say "Well there you go! Your in a tux. Guys always look better in a tux."

He says "I don't need a tux for all the ladies to want me."

I say "Well, good luck with that then."

He looks at me and gives me a creepy smile.

I say "What the creepy smile for?"

He says "I dont know. Maybe this."

He starts tickling me. I laugh my but of and wiggle.

i say "St St stop! i-hah-im hahaa-sorry!"

He starts laughing. I give him a mean look and fold my arms over my chest. I turn and face away from him. He pokes me and laughs.

I say "Stop! I'm supposed to be mad at you!"

He turns me around and looks at me.

He says "You could never stay mad at me."

Then he leans down and kisses me.  I kiss back and Sam heats it up. He turns it into a make out session. I still don't know who I like. I mean Sam tries to get close to me and he likes me back but Chandler don't do any of that. Chandler just acts like I'm nothing. So I think I'm going with Sam. But I still have a spot for Chandler. Sam pulls away.

He says "So, when I start school back. We have a um dance. I was wondering if you wanted to go with me."

I say "When we start school back. But I would love to Sam."

He says "Really? Your going to my school? Awesome!"

I say "Yeah. But I'm kinda mad at Chandler so. I don't know how that's going to work."

He says "Why?"

I say "He texted me and said that me and him have to stay away from each other cause I'm not famous and they would get suspicious. I mean am I not good enough to hang out with him? Buy two can play at that game."

He says "Oh. I just thinks he don't want to hang out with a girl."

I say "Thanks. But like I said two can play at that game. He's not just going to say sorry and everything will be fine. Its not like that. I'm pretty mad."

He says "Chandler will make up for it. He always does."

I say "And what if he don't? I don't think he likes me. Ever since we were acting, he had to ask me out in the show and now he's just different."

He says "Oh, that's tough. I don't know what to say about that one."

I say "Oh well. We have outside of school. And acting. So you know."

He says "So, where were we?"

I say "You tell me."

He leans down and kisses me again. Turning it into a make-out session to. He slides his tounge across my bottom lip and I open up. We explore each other's mouth. Then the limo stops and knocks on the window. Were at Same house. We pull apart. I hug Sam and he kisses my cheek.

I say "Bye Sam. Text me."

He says "Okay. Bye."

He gets out of the limo and shuts the door. We take off and drive to my house.  I get out and shut the door. I walk to my front door and unlock it. I step in and Lauren, Norman and a boy is there talking.

I say "Hey? What are y'all doing here this early?"

Norman says "Thought we could hang out earlier."

I say "Well, I hope y'all wasn't waiting long.  Uh I'm gonna go change. I'm a mess."

Lauren says "How did it go?"

I say "Well I was forced to speak in front of everyone  and me and Sam got attacked by fan girls."

The boy says "Where did you go?"

I say "My brothers funeral. In Kentucky."

He says "Oh I'm sorry."

I say "Don't be. I'm okay. Well I'm going to go change, not wearing this out."

They all nod and I walk up stairs to my room. I pull out a shirt Lauren got made for me. It says I'm Daryl Dixon's daughter. I put some skinny jeans on. I put my boots on. I walk to my bathroom. I wipe my make-up off and add new make-up. I walk back down stairs and the boy looks at me.

I walk up to him and say "We never got to meet. Hi, I'm Maxie."

He says "Hi, I'm Mignus."

Norman says "Well, are you guys ready to go?"

I say "Yep! Bye Lauren!"

I walk up to her and hug her. Im in a good mood. We all walk out to Norman's car and get in. We start driving.

I say "Thanks. This is the only thing I thought she would truly like."

Norman says "No problem Max. But she will like anything from you. Trust me."

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