The concert

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Once we all got out of them limo, everyone crowds around us taking pictures. A body gaurd soon comes up to us and helps us make our way through the crowd. Thats funny, we didnt hire a body gaurd. I look at the girls and they have the same facial expression as i do.

He says " Ladies, One direction asked me to get yall out of there. Would you like to meet them."

We all look at eachother and nod. We follow the man into a door and are greeted by with food and water. We all say no and keep walking. When we get tot the corner there are five boy body's getting make up put on. We all walk over to them. They all just stare at us, i guess everyone is scared to say something. Witch means,i need to step up. 

I say " Thank you for the body gaurd. It means alot, we could have had a lot of trouble."

Harry says " Not to be rude but, who are you? I know them."

I say " Oh im sorry, let me introduce myself. Im Maxie Cohan. Lauren Cohan's adopted daughter, also a actor on the walking dead, just hasnt came out yet. If you watch you will see who i am."

Niall says " I know who you are. I sent the body gaurd. Now, i wanted to ask you all something."

Addy says " Okay what?"

He says " Would you guys be interested in doing a duet on little things with us? Maxie can sing what i sing, Addy and Louis, Madison and harry, Brighton and Zayn, and Kyla and liam."

We all look at eachother talking with our eyes and turn back to them.

Madison says " We would love to. How are we gonna do this though?"

Louis says " We can get them front row seats, then make a anouncement, about them. introducing them."

Zayn says " Then we can help them on stage, but your in dresses, So, we might have to see if there is anything else you can wear here."

I say " I have shorts on, so i just need a shirt."

Niall says " You can wear one of mine."

Madison says " Same with me and Addy.'

Harry says " Madison you can wear on of mine."

Louis says " Love, you can wear on of mine."

Mika says " What about us?"

One of the hair dressers turn around and smiles.

She says " I have cloths in the wardrobe that could fit both of you. Come with me."

They follow her and now the big kids are left alone. The boys get up and goes and gets a shirt for us. Niall comes back first and hands me his shirt. I smile and blush slightly. He does the same. The rest of the boys come back and hands everyone that needs on a shirt.

I say " Is there anywhere we can change?"

Niall leads all of us to a room and we all walk in other than him. We all change and walk out. 

I say " Is this really happening?"

Addy says " Yeah i think it is."

I let out a reasuring sigh and we all find One direction again. 

Zayn says " Listen, when Brighton and Kyla get back you go to your seats. The body gaurd will show you there. Then wait a while and watch. Okay?"

We all nod. Brighton and Kyla come running up behind us in a outfit. I smile on how cute they look. The body gaurd takes us to our seats and we listen as One direction sings live while were young, and kiss you. They take a pause and Harry walks close to the edge of the stage.

He says " We would love to introduce 5 very beautiful girls that some of you may know off Amc's hit tv show The walking dead. Madison Lintz. As Sophia"

He helps her on stage by pulling her small figure up. Louis walks over to the edge of the stage and pulls Addy up.

" Addy Miller , as the vey first walker"

Liam comes up and pulls Kyla up.

" Kyla Kenedy as Mika"

Zayn comes up and pulls Brighton up.

" Brighton Sharbino  As Lizzie"

Niall comes up and helps me up. 

" Lastly Maxie Cohan. She hasnt shown up yet but she's gonna be in season 5!"

I walk over to the edge of the stage a get a microphone. everyone else follows and smiles. We all nod at each other and walk over with the boys. They are sitting in a circle on stools. We do the same and sit next to the person we are singing with. This is it, the start of a singing career. Maybe they will offer me to sing on The walking dead like Emily does. I smile to myself as Niall starts playing the guitar.

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