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After saying goodbyes I walk out of the elevator with Chandler and walk to our room. I pull my key out and open the door to see Sam on the bed. I roll my eyes and grab a shirt and some shorts to sleep in. I change and through my old clothes in my suit case. I grab my phone and walk to the bed and lay down next to Sam. I'm not saying a word to him, unless he says sorry. I unlock my phone and look through instagram. I like some video's of everyone singing. I feel Sam's eyes on me so I look up at him. He shakes his head and sighs.

He says "Talk to me. Please."

I look at him a roll my eyes. I look back down at my phone until it was ripped out of my hands. I look at him and sigh.

He says "I'm sorry."

I say "Okay, bye. I'm going to sleep. Leave the bed."

He gets up and mumbles a 'goodnight'. I get under the covers and lay my head on the pillow. I close my eyes and try to sleep. The bed caves in and a body is laying next to me. I roll over to see Chandler. I smile and my phone vibrates. I look at it and its Niall.

To: Maxie
From: Nialler

Hey, sleepwell love. xx

To: Nialler
From: Maxie

will. You to. Thanks.

To: Maxie
From: Nialler

Goodnight, I'll talk to you in the morning.

To: Nialler
From: Maxie


I put my phone on the table and turn to face Chandler. He is sleeping I think. I sigh and cuddle up to him in a non weird way. I soon fall asleep. 

I wake up to heavy breathing. I sit up real fast  and look at Chandler who has tears in his eyes. I rub circles in his back  and comfort him. 

I say " Chan whats wrong?"

He says " My mom. Just a bad dream right?"

I say " Your mom is okay. Like i said she will beat through it. She's strong. "

I push his sweaty hair out of his face. I look at the time and see its 6 in the morning. We leave soon. In 2 days. 

I say " Hey, why dont you go take a shower to calm you down? "

He nods and gets up. I lay back down and hear a knock at the door. I get up and walk to the door and open it. I see a sleepy looking Sam. 

He says " Is everything okay? I heard heavy breathing and screaming."

I say " chandler had a nightmare. Everything is okay. He's in the shower."

Sam says " I miss you Maxie. "

I say " Sam"

He says " Let me finish. "

I nod for him to continue. Im kinda scared of what he's gonna say. 

He says " Maxie, your really beautiful, and amzing, and so much more. I cant even put it in words. Honestly i think you deseve better then me. You should be with Chandler. He likes you and i can tell you have feelings for him to. Listen he needs you right now. Because of his mom. Your the only one that would get him out of the house. Not his dad, not his friends, not his brother, you Maxie. Youand him have something. And i think you should keep it that way. Good night."

He leans in and kisses my cheek. He tunrs to walk away.

I say " Sam wait. Im sorry. I was a butt. I shouldnt have been one. You where just being you and i understand that now. The relationship we had was different. I dont feel like it was real. All we did was kiss and make out. Thats not a relationship. Thats just friends with benifits. And you right, Chandler does need me. But he also needs you. He needs guy time. To talk about the things he cant talk about with me. Maybe try and take him out today. Have some nice bonding time. Maybe take Mignus. Ill be fine here with Norman. Take him somewhere."

I pull him into a hug and pull back. He looks at me for a moment and nods.  He walks back to his room and shuts the door. I walk back and shut our door. Chander comes out of the bathroom and throughs his clothes in his suitcase and looks at me. 

I say " You, Sam, and Mignus are going out today."

H walks up o me and sighs. He looks at me with pleading eyes.

He says " What about you? I dont wanna leave you here. Come with us."

I say " What? No, its guy time Chan. Me and you can hang out on the last day okay? I promise. "

He nods and walks over tot he tv and turns it on. The Walking Dead is on. I sigh and smile. I think its funny how hes watching The Walking Dead when he's an Actor on it. Its on Season 3 when the Govenor first shows up. If you meet him in real life, he's really nice. Nothing like his charater. I walk next to Chandler and sit next to him. He grabs my hand and holds it. Is he really holding my hand? Holy gosh, Chandler Riggs is holding my hand for the fun of it. I turn my head to the big window view we have. I smile at it and turn my attention back to the show. In just a month times i will be watching myself on that show. I hope it makes my mom and dad proud of what im doing. Everything that im doing, not just the show. I hope my broter is watching me. I hope he knows he's my hero. Tears start to fill the brim of my eyes. i wipe them away with my free hand and i feel Chandler rub circles in the palm of my hand. We both turn our head when we hear a lot of clicks. 

Aurthors note:

Hey guys, so sorry about the late update. I have been really busy . I really feel like this story is bad. Is it? Please leave comments. Tell me if its bad, your idea's, or whatever you want! Thank you guys so much!

- Caitlyn Kennedy

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