Hanging with Norman

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Norman says "Okay go do your thing. Me and Mignus will be in here."

I say "Okay!"

I get out of the car and walk inside the building.

The lady says "Let me guess. You a teenager who wants to changer their name because you dont like it?"

I say "No ma'am I was adopted. I'm here to get my name changed."

She looks up at me and says "You were seen with Emily Kinney and Lauren Cohan right?"

I say "Yes that's me. Now I have people waiting on me. Can we hurry up?"

She says "Yes. what's your full name?"

I say "Maxie Nicole Coulter."

She says "What are you changing your name to?"

I say "Maxie Nicole Cohan."

She nods and prints out the papers. She stamps it and hands them to me.

I say "Thank you so much!"

She says "One more thing. Can you sign this?"

I say "Sure!"

She hands out a book and I sign it. I flash her a smile and walk out and into the car.

Norman says "Have any trouble?"

I say "Nope. She wanted my autograph because I was seen with Emily and Lauren!"

Norman says "You will get that a lot. Nice shirt by the way!"

I say "Thanks!"

He smiles. I look at Mignus who is on his phone.

I say "Hey Mignus, can I see your phone?"

Mignus says "Sure!"

He hands me my phone and I follow my twitter and instagram. I hand him his phone back and pull out mine. I follow him back and take a picture of Norman driving. I post it and tag him in it. I smile to myself.

I say "Oh yeah Bigger Mr Reedus, I know who you should vote on."

Norman says "Who?"

I say "Sam."

He says "Really? I thought it would be Chandler."

I say "Well, it was at first. But when Carl had to ask Kelsey out he's been acting different around me. He acts like I'm nothing. He won't even let me meet his family. I met Sam's mom."

He says "Wow."

I say "Its complicated. He even texted me this morning and said we can't hang out at school because I'm not famous. He knew I was at a funeral and he didn't say sorry or anything. He pisses me off sometimes."

Norman says "Chandler's having a bad time. You know his mom has cancer."

I say "Oh my god. No I didn't."

He says "Don't worry. That's where we are going. Mignus give them a minute. He has been in his room all day."

We pull up and I get out and walk to the door. Mr.Riggs opens the door and looks at me.

He says "Who are you?"

I say "Maxie Cohan sir. Can I see Chandler. Its a emergency."

He say "Chandler don't want to see anyone."

I say "Please. I'm a good friend. Please Mr.Riggs."

He nods and let's me in. He points to a door and I walk to it. I knock and I his rumbling.

I say "Chandler, open the door. Please."

He says "No."

I say "I'm coming in. You better have clothes on."

I open the door and look around. I don't see him. I walk forward and see him look out his window. I walk over to him and sit next to him.

I say "I'm sorry Chandler. I didn't mean to be rude this morning."

He says "Okay."

I pull him into a hug and he Cry's on my shoulder. I rub his back and squeeze him.

I say "Hey, hey, look at me. She's a strong woman. She will make it through this. But, from you she needs you to he strong. She needs you to be there for her. That's the best thing you can do Chandler. Be there for her. Talk to her."

He nods and hugs me tighter.

He says "Thank you. Will you go with me to see her tonight?"

I say "Of course. I'll do anything for you. Now follow me."

I grab his hand and pull him to his bathroom. I motion for him to sit down. I grab his hair brush and brush his hair. I grab a warm wash cloth and wipe his face.

I say "Just so you know. Mignus and Norman are downstairs."

He says "Why were you with him?"

I say "You will find out soon."

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