The talking dead

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The lights pop on. Its time to start The talking dead. We just got done watching the first episode of season 5. It ended with me saying who i am. 

" This is your host Chris Hardwick and this is The talking dead. My guest here tonight are Chandler Riggs who plays Carl, Maxie Cohan who plays Kaelsy, and super The walking dead fan Daniel Sharman! "

I wave to a random camera. im in the middle of both the boys. 

"So Maxie, do you think we will se more of you on the show? "

I say " Oh most definantly. um, Kealsy Dixon is the girl that went through everything without her father. I think she will be around for a while. "

" Chandler, being Kealsy and Carl are the same age do you think we will see any action between you to?"

He says " I think this season, Carl is a lot stronger than he was. Like he said last season hes becomeing more of a monster. Uhmm i most definantly think there will be something between the to, but its more like he feels like he needs to pretect her."

" Daniel what about you? What do you think will happen? "

Daniel looks at me and smiles. Holy god, hottie alert. WEEEWOOOWEEEWOO! HOTTIE ALERT!! 

He says " I most defiantly think something will go on between the to. I think it would be good for Carl. But then again i think it would be abd. Hes already lost so much and with the sate there in, its kinda complicated. "

" Okay we will be right back after this with questions from you, and a sneek peek of next weeks episode. "

The camera's go off and i pull out my phone. I nudge Chandler to take a picture with me, then i feel bad and nudge Daniel. He grabs my phone and holds it out and we take a few selfies. Then we take a big one with the crowd. I sit back down and its time to go back on air. 

" Welcome back to The talking dead. Time for personal questions about the stars. Daniel, do you have a special girl in your life? "

He says " Well actually i do. My girlfriend. Not saying a name. Shes not ready for that yet."

" Ohh, she must be lucky.  Chandler, What about you? "s

He says " Oh i do. We have known each other for about 2 months now. Shes a really special part of my life. I think i might actually love her. "

" Ohh, can we have more details. "

He says " Im afraid not. She dosnt really knowabout my feelings for her. And i dont want to ruin what we already have. "

" Oh. You should tell her. I think its best. Now, Maxie. Do you have a special boy in your life?"

I say " Well, a special person. Yeah i do. He's amazing and i love him to death. He just dont know. I met him not to long ago. I remember the moment. Hes really cool. I think ill tell him, like you told chandler. Its best for him to know how i feel and if he dont like it. Well, maybe he should ignore the fact that i do like him and we can stay friends. "

" You both should cann and tell them tonight. It will be like an extra scene for us? "

I look at Chandler and he looks at me. 

I say " uhmm yeah sure. "

He chuckles and smiles weakly.

He says "Sure, couldnt do to much harm. "

" ALready then you guys have and extra scene! Heres next weeks sneak peek of AMC's The walking dead. "

My face pops up with me walking through the woods. Talking. 

" You dont know what ive been through. Its not the same. "

Then it shows me screaming at Daryl. Walkers come to us. It shows Carl crying, Rick bloody, and Beth hugging someone. It shows me running alone and it ends at that. 

" Now time for a fan question and a call. "

A fan comes up that chris picked while showing the comercial. She walks up to the microphone and smiels.

She says " How hard is it working with Chandler as his love intrest? Like your friends but for acting you kiss and stuff. Is it akward? "

I say " Well, not really. I mean we both totally know its for our career and it means umm nothing. Right? " 

He chcucks nervously and nods.

She walks off stage and Chris chooses a caller. 

" Hello, lucky caller. You on The talking dead. What you name and where ya from. "

A girls voice fills the room.

" Hi im Abbi and im from Kentucky. My question is for Chandler. Chandler, if you choose what happened with you and Maxie in the show what would you have did. "

He says " Well, i think i would have made it to were Carl found Kealsy when Rick was knocked out. I think it would have showed Rick something. Something like that. "

She  says  " Would you make it to were you and her were an item? "

He says " Eventually yes. I would have. "

" Well thats all we have. Make sure to look on youtube to find them calling there loved ones! Ill post it tonight at 12! "

Everything goes off and Chris stares at me. 

I say " Well, i guess this is it.  Who's first? "

Chandler says  " Me ill go."

I say " okay . Lets do this. "

He pulls out his phone and looks at it.

He says " Maxie Nicole Cohan, im in love with you and i have been since i met you. At first i thought it was because i felt sorry for you but when we kissed for the first timei felt something. Much greater than anybody i have ever kissed. I know you dont feel the same way, but like you said she needs to know. "

I get teary eyed and stare at Chandler. 

I say " Chandler Calrton Riggs, I love you as well. I always had this feeling inside when im around you and it was much different than anything i ever felt before. I just wanted you to know. "

" Oh how cute. here you have it guys these two love birds love each other and they didnt even know! That shows you should tell someone when you have feelings for them. Goodnight you all. "

I hug Chandler and hold him tight but he just hold me as tight as i hold him. We walk out together and leave to his house. 

Meeting you ( a chandler riggs fanfic ) REWRITINGWhere stories live. Discover now