The vistit

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Me and Chandler are walking to see his mom. I'm holding his hand for support.  We get to the hospital and the lady looks at us.

She says "You must be here for Mrs.Riggs. Room 528 5th floor."

I say "Thank you"

We walk to the elevator and get in. We click the 5 button and wait. He lays his head on my shoulder. I rub his back and pull him into a hug. He hugs me back.

He says "I'm sorry I was so mean to you Maxie! I didn't mean any of it. And now Hana don't like you. I'll talk to her, anyone. I'm sorry!"

I say "Shhhh, Chandler its okay. I'm still here. I forgive you."

He says "No its not! You wouldn't understand."

I say "Its okay. I will one day."

He nods and the elevator door opens. We walk out and head to her room. I knock.

She says "Come in!"

I open the door and go first leaving him out there to think.

I say "Hi Mrs.Riggs. How are you?"

She says "I miss Chandler. How is he?"

I say "See for yourself."

I walk out the door and pull Chandler in the door. He runs to her and hugs her. I smile at the sight and sit down. Chandler is crying tears of joy and so is Mrs.Riggs. I pull my phone out and take a picture. I smile at it and put my phone down. Mrs.Riggs looks at me and motions me to come here. I stand up and walk to her. I see Chandler asleep on her.

I say "Yes ma'am?"

She says "Thank you. You take care of my boy if anything happens. Promise me that? He loves you I can see it. The way he talks about you. Gosh. Maxie keep him safe. The doctor said they don't think I'll make it. Just keep him safe and take care of him. Please."

I say "I'm promise. Mrs.Riggs just know I'll do everything I can to keep him safe. He saved my life. I should do the same. Your boy, he's amazing."

She says "You like him to."

I say "I don't know about that."

She says "You will. Now can you take him home for me. Wake him up say I went to sleep."

I say "Yes ma'am."

I walk over to Chandler and shake him.

I say " wake up. Your mom fell asleep."

He gets up slowly and hugs me.

He says "Thank you Maxie. I don't know what I would do without you."

I say "Its nothing Chandler really."

He nods and we walk back to his house. My phone vibrates.

To: Maxie
Can you come over?

To: Sammeh
Uh yeah I guess. I'm at Chandler's so i might be faster then normal.

To: Maxie
Why are you at Chandlers?

To: Sammeh
I was with Norman and Mignus. I'll explain when I get there.

To: Maxie

I set my phone down and look at Chandler. He cried himself to sleep I think. I push his hair out of his face and kiss his forehead. I walk downstairs and pull my phone out.
To: Lauren
I'm gonna stay the night at Sam's. Chandler is doing great! Bye!

To: Maxie
Be home early. Please.

To: Lauren
okay. Bye!

I walk to Mr.Riggs and Greyson.

I say "Chandler fell asleep. I'm gonna go. Bye Mr.Riggs. Bye sport."

Mr. Riggs says "Are you sure? I'll drive you?"

I say "No no, its okay. I'm just going to Sam's."

Mr. Riggs says " Be careful Maxie. And thank you for getting him out."

I say "No problem! Bye!"

I pull out my phone and text Sam.

To: Sam
Can I stay the night? I'm on my way though!

To: Maxie
My mom said she loves you so she don't care.

To: Sam
Yay that's good I guess.

To: Maxie
YeahHow's Chandler? I heard about his mom.

To: Sam
Well, He cried himself to sleep.

To: Maxie
That bad? Thanks for being there for him. He needs someone even though your mad at him.

To: Sam
That's what I do. I'm gonna go I'm in your drive way. ( I feel like a stalker! )

To: Maxie
I'll open the door. Hold on.

I walk to the door and wait. Sam opens the door and plants a sloppy kiss on my cheek. I laugh and smile. I wipe it off and he pulls me inside.

Meeting you ( a chandler riggs fanfic ) REWRITINGWhere stories live. Discover now