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I walk out and Chandler follows me.

He says "Maxie wait! Being your going to be famous anyways can I have your number?"

All the girls gasp and I hand him my phone. He gives me his and I type in "Maxxxxxxayyy". I hand him, his phone. He hands me mine.

I say "Well, thanks again. For everything. I hope to see you soon again. I have to go. Emily is waiting for me."

He pulls me into a hug. Girls gasps again. We both pull back.

He says "Good luck. I think they liked you. Expect a call soon."

I smile and nod. I turn and walk away. I get to Emily.

She say "What was that about?"

I say "I'll tell you in the car. Let's go."

We both walk out with fan girls following us. Body guards keep them away. I nod at him and he nods back. We get in the car. We drive off.

I say "He saves my life. And I remembered. The doctors said I wouldn't. Chandler gave me his number and told me that he thinks I got the part. Then we hugged."

She says "Ohhh Chandlers hugs are awesome."

I say "Yeah, I think I want to get to know him better."

She says "Do you like him!"

I say "Kinda, I mean I don't know him yet. That's why I want to get to know him."

We pull up in my drive way.

She says "Congratulations. Call me if you get the part. Here give me your phone."

We switch phones and put each others number in it. We switch again and I head to the house. I open the door. It was open because Lauren is home.

I say "Lauren I'm home!"

She runs in and says "How did it go? Does Chandler like you? The guys? Tell me everything."

I say "Well, I figured out Chandler saved my life. He told me he thinks I got the part. I think I like him. Kinda. I don't know. I got his number. I also told them I'm your daughter. So they said that they would call you if I got the part."

Laurens phone starts ringing. She answers it and I walk up to my room. I decide to text chandler.


To: Maxxxxay
Hey! You got a call yet?

To: Chan-chan
Maybe, Laurens on the phone with someone.

To: Maxxxxay
Wanna hang out with me and my friend Sam? Were going to a party. We don't live far. Just text me if she says yes and I'll pick you up.

To: Chan-chan
I'll ask Lauren when she gets of the phone. but, okay.

To: Maxxxxay
Okay! Good luck!

To: Chan-chan
Thanks. I need it.

I walk back down to Lauren. She hangs up the phone and smiles at me.

She says "You got the part!"

I say "Yes!"

I do a little happy dance.

She says "Well, now you need a twitter, and a instagram. You start tomorrow!"

I say "Okay. Um is it okay if me and Chandler hang out? He said something about Sam. I don't know."

She says "Yeah. Give me your phone."

I give me my phone and she gives me hers. I guess she wants my number. I put it in as Maxie. She gives me mine and I give her, hers. I text chandler again.

To: Chan-chan
She said yes. How soon will you be here?

To: Maxxxay
About 10 minutes. Were walking. And you might want to take that dress off. Guy's will be all over you.

To: Chan-chan
Okay XD See you soon!

I run up to my room and change into a shirt that has The walking dead on it. I put some skinny jeans and some boots on. I got to my bathroom mirror and take my hair down. I brush it out and fix my make-up. The doorbell rings and I grab my phone and some money. I put it in my pocket and go down stairs. I see Lauren and Chandler are talking. Then I see another boy.

I say "Hi Chandler, uh Sam."

Chandler says "Hi Maxie. Sam this is Maxie, Maxie this is Sam."

He pulls me into a hug. I hug back and we pull away. I say goodbye to Lauren and we start walking.

I say "Chandler I just thought I should tell you, I got the part. You looking at the one and only Kelsey Dixon."

Chandler says "That's great! Congrats."

I say "Now, all I have to do is create a twitter and Instagram. Wanna help?"

Sam says "Give me your phone."

I say "Give me yours"

Sam says"Deal"

He gives me his phone and I hand him mine. I click the instagram button. I click picture. Me and Chandler take a selfie. I post it and say "Hacked! @chandler_riggs1 and soon to have a instagram person! :D".

Sam says "Were here. Give me my phone. I created a twitter. Chandler gets the instagram."

I say "Alright. Here."

I give him his phone and he gives me his phone.

Meeting you ( a chandler riggs fanfic ) REWRITINGWhere stories live. Discover now