Chapter Two : Sapphire's Surprise.

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   My dad always knew I was different, Mom had told him that as she died in his arms. Now I have come into my gifts and he thought sending me to Shadow Hills would help me. It's rumored to be a school for paranormal teens, like me. What I didn't expect is how many students were here.

   I'm here not only to find out what I am, but also who I am. I hope that this place can help me do that. I was hoping to make new friends also. My Dad hopes for the same thing, but honestly I have my doubts.

   I found my way to the Head Mistress's Office on my own and knocked on the door. When I was told to come in I stepped inside then froze. Who I saw behind the desk surprised me. She is the Head Mistress? Whoe.

   "Aunt Mindy?" I asked. My favorite aunt was sitting right in front of me. Um, this is very surprising to me. What should I say right now? Thankfully she started talking before I could come up with something to say.

   "Oh, hello dear. Glad you came," she said."I hope your trip wasn't too unpleasant." I just stared at her in astonishment. She laughed. "Believe me, when I saw your name on my list I was certainly just as surprised," she said and had me sit down across from her. She opened a file and pulled out an envelope. "Your class schedule is in there along with your room key and a list of the books you'll need for your classes. You can check the books out of the school library for the year or you can buy your own. The meal times are in there as well. I suppose you can find your way to your room on your own correct?" I nodded and stood. "Good, Good luck, sweet heart. I'll see you during Orientation." I nodded again and went to the door.

   I left her office still in shock that my aunt was the Head Mistress of a paranormal school. I looked down at my schedule and sighed. Here goes nothing, I thought. In the dorms all the girls that were there stopped midsentance. Rolling my eyes I changed my eye color to a more natural shade.

"Cool." one girl said and they all went back to their conversations like nothing happened. Awkward. I hate attention. Even that brief moment made me feel nervous and a little shaky.

     I ran into another girl on my way up the stairs. We both fell. She gasped and instantly got up. She helped me up.

"Shit, I'm so sorry. I'm a total clutz. Augh, my first day sucks so far." She sat on the stairs. I swear she was about to start crying. Wow she's very sensitive.

"Hey, chill. It's my first day too. I'm Sapphire," I said trying to calm her down with the truth. I offered my hand. She met my gaze and then looked at my hand.

"Symphony," she offered shyly and took my hand. I sighed and her roommate introduced herself. Symphony's roommate led me to my room and I fished out my key from the envelope.

    In my room I set my suite case on the empty bed and followed Symphony and her roommate, Jersey, to the school's dining hall. This is where orientation will be done. Orientation was basically classifying us to our groups and telling ignorant kids about the supernatural world and assigning us people that are more experienced than we are. Usually they are the same type of supernatural as the one they are assigned to. My Dad explained this all to me already.

     I sat with Symphony and listened to her beg her roommate to tell her what is so different about this school. I'm amazed she noticed at all. Jersey kept saying that she'll find out at orientation. I chimed in when I got annoyed. She's persistent and hard headed.

"Symphony, she's right, would you just chill. You'll find out during Orientation," I mumbled. "You can wait another five minutes, Impatient."

     Symphony slumped back in her seat and sighed. Finally the girl gave up, yeesh. I knew she'd be able to handle what she's about to be told, but many other new kids won't take it easily.

      Some guy came up to our table and smiled. Symphony studied him. He's kinda cute. He had longish blond hair and striking green eyes. His eyes were what I was mostly interested in. He must be a magic user, his eyes had that unnatural brightness and shine to them. Hmm.

"Which brother are you? " Symphony asked. He laughed and winked. Does he have a brother? I thought she was new so how does she seem to know him in a way? Huh...

"Guess?" he teased. What the heck is going on here?

"I'll guess that you're Lennox? " Symphony replied. I waited for his reply because I was hoping to get his name.

"Yeah how'd you guess? " So his name is Lennox then. How does she know though?

"The other two already know my name," Symphony said. Other two? What are they talking about?

   Lennox mumbled something about her name not being the one he wanted to know and he looked at me. I stared at him. I was so tempted to say it, but I couldn't form the words. Jersey told him to get lost and he glared at her. He told her to go fuck herself. What is up between these two now? I'll have to ask one of them later.

   Jersey stood up and got in Lennox's face. Oh shit this isn't good, I thought. Two other guys looking identical to Lennox rushed over and held Lennox back. Well now I understand that. I stood and put my hand on Jersey's shoulder. She glared at me. I just stared calmly back.

"Calm down," I said gently. Jersey looked at Lennox and smiled. Ohhh ... kay? Now what?

"Chill, we weren't going to start anything. Just a little teasing among friends. Right, Lennox?" He rolled his eyes and shrugged his brothers off. Well now I know what Symphony was talking about a few minutes ago. They're triplets. The tree of them sat down and as we waited for Orientation to start we talked for a while. Luke's eyes were equally green, but didn't have the magical shine to them. They also had flecks of silver in them. Hmm. Logan was cute too. He wore his hair a little longer than his brothers' and was a little more built than the others. His eyes were a darker green yet you had to look really close to tell them all apart. I've met twins before, but never triplets. It's kinda cool actually. My mind wandered to a different topic a few moments later. My aunt.

   It had surprised me to learn that my aunt was the head mistress here. Why didn't she tell me? Or why didn't she mention she was paranormal too? I never knew that she was. I always thought that she was human and that it skipped her somehow. It just never occurred to me that she was like Mom. I should have known.

   I told the others that and they were surprised to hear I was related to the Head Mistress. It's actually not that cool, now if I do do something wrong I'll be in bigger trouble than say if Jersey or Lennox would. Family is different. She'll punish me even more, maybe even tell Dad. I'm nervous about all of this, but knew that I will be just fine. I'm stronger than I let myself believe and I notice that every once in a while.

         I know the chapters are short sorry for that.

Shadow Hills Paranormal SchoolOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora