Chapter Twenty: Protect The School (Symphony)

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   When we got back to the school I saw the extent of what is happening here. People were fighting for their lives and there were dozens of bodies. Dear god. Our fight was just a distraction. We have to stop this now. Letting my power build I ran to help a group of girls that were being attacked. The people attacking were surprised when I sent them flying away from us. The girls were crying and Tate led them away from the battle. They shouldn't have left in the first place.

   When I saw that Sapphire wasn't here I got worried. She can take care of herself, I reminded myself, mostly to reasure myself,  but also so I don't get distracted. I took a hit that sent me back a few feet. Planting my feet I stopped myself from sliding further, then I launched myself at him. He was quick and grabbed me. He then threw me to the ground and pinned me.

   "Such a shame you are a Collier. I'll hate to kill such a pretty little thing like you." He nuzzled my neck and I tried to push him away. "All well, goodbye, Collier." His hands slid around my throat and he started choking me.

   I clawed at his arm and face, but he caught my wrists with his free hand and pinned them above my head. I couldn't get my legs up far enough to kick or knee him. Oh god I'm going to die like this.

   I soon grew too weak to struggle anymore. My vision spotted and the last thing I saw before passing out was him running towards us.

     .     .     .     .     .     Terence's P.O.V.     .     .      .     .     .

   I felt her pain and her fear. Looking around I saw him ontop of her. He's choking the life out of her. I have to stop him, Now! I ran to help but some guy tackled me and I felt burning heat start to rush through my head. What the hell is this guy's power? I feel like he's frying my brain. I screamed and fell to my knees. The guy kneeled next to me and smiled.

   "You are her mate, I see," he muttered. Her mate? No that isn't possible I'm just her protector. I have to save her.

   "No I'm not. Tate is," I said. You idiot, why tell him Tate's name? I chastised myself. Crap.

   "So nieve. You belong to her. All well, can't have that now can I?" I felt red hot pain shoot down my spine and then I heard a crack and passed out.

   'Get up stupid you have the power to save her. You are a Rockland! Get up! Don't fail your family, Terence. She doesn't have much time. Get. The. Hell. Up!'

   My eyes opened and I pushed myself up. I have to save her. She's more special than she knows. If I fail to protect her and take care of her I get disowned or worse killed. I lost sight of that, but now I need to take my responsibility seriously. I stood and wiped the blood from my nose. I'm a Rockland and I belong to Symphony as she belongs to me. I knocked my opponent into the ground with a single kick. No more playing around. I  tackled the guy who was killing Symphony and punched my hand through his chest.

   I checked Symphony for a pulse. She had one but it was very weak. She wasn't breathing at all and I started doing CPR. Sapphire showed up and kept us from being attacked. Symphony gasped and I hugged her close to me. She froze at first then relaxed.

   "Sorry I didn't get to you sooner, Symphony." She shook her head and clung to me desperately. I held her close to me. I never wanted to let her go again. She is the most amazing and wonderful woman I have ever met. I hate feeling her hurt and her sadness.

   "Get her out of here," Sapphire said to me. I nodded and without hesitation I stood with Symphony in my arms. When I got her to the infirmary I saw Tate. I went over to him. He gasped and had me lay her down.

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