Chapter Thirty - One: Another Fight to Win

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. . . . . . Sapphire's P.O.V. . . . . . .

My father stared at Symphony for a long moment. He said something about her being ready to fight when her time comes. She is very powerful. We had to warn the head master and get everyone else to a safe location. I told dad I'd do this part and he nodded and had the others continue to train.

Symphony cought up to me and said she was going to get food for us. I knew she just wanted to talk though. I told her to meet me at the front of the dining hall in ten and took off towards the Head Master's office. I told the Head Master what he needed to know and then I left and went to meet Symphony.

She was pacing when I got to her and I had her sit down on the bench. I sat next to her. She suddenly started crying and she told me she had a vision last night. Said that she hadn't thought of it as one but said she thinks it is. I asked her what she saw and my blood ran cold. I hugged her tightly and said I'd protect her with my life.

"Promise me you'll have my back. And that you won't tell Terence?" she asked and I gave her my word. Once she was calm I helped her carry the food back. Terence came over and after Symphony set the food down he asked her what was wrong. He had felt her sorrow and fear.

I don't understand why she wont just tell him, but I promised not to say anything to him so I won't. I never realized how hard it'd be. As I watched him hold her closely I wanted to just blirt it out but again I gave her my peomise and I will keep it.

Dad asked me what was wrong and I told him. Hey, I was dieing to tell someone and she didn't ask me not to tell Dad. He seemed worried about it now and I had to tell him not to tell the others. Especially not Terence. He promised and I knew he'd keep it.

Symphony announced suddenly that they were here and I was more than ready to back her up.

We met them halfway and I don't know who started what, but suddenly the fight was going and I had Symphony's back. As I slamed my foot into a guy I set him on fire. He screamed and fell back trying to douse the flames. I continued along Symphony's side and helped her out when it was needed.

When at least half of the enemy was gone the fight became more even and a bit harder. You'd think less enemy would be easier, but in this case it wasn't. They had saved their strongest for last. We mannaged to get down to a dozen without serious injury to any of us.

We all stopped when their leader called out. No. He had Symphony by the throat and I heard Terence whimper and take a step forward. In warning Caleb tightened his grip slightly and I gave Terence a warning glare he looked so worried. He had a right to be.

"It was you who murdered my son was it not Rockland? You will suffer for that, a son for a son." he shuved his sword into Symphony. Terence screamed out in pain and fell to his knees. Caleb dropped Symphony to the ground and wiped his sword off.

I felt sudden power surge through my veins. In union Symphony and I started calling all five elements to us and my father gasped in surprise. Even Caleb looked frightened. I felt my eyes change color and I heard Symphony's breath become shallow as she launched a ball of all elements at him. I told Terence he needed to get to Symphony right now. My Dad helped him up and I launched myself at Caleb. Violet, Tate and Dennis went after the others in order to keep them away from me.

I slightly wondered where Connor was but my question was answered when he flew past me and took down a guy that was heading right towards me. I cought Caleb around his throat after knocking his sword from his hands.

"You basterd. I would love to kill you slowly but that is not possible so I will make this quick." I slammed my hand against his chest and felt my new power rush into him. When his body was limp I let him go and pulled my hand from his chest. There was a burned hand print in his shirt and his skin. Caleb F. Roman was dead.

His remaining followers scattered and fled. I ran to Symphony's side and told Terence to focus. They'll both die if he cannot heal her. My father kneeled next to me. He reminded me I had the power to heal Symphony. I was just like her. How was it possible to have the same power as her. I thought there was only supposed to be one Chosen. Not two.

I focused on healing her. She was really close to death. I knew that from how still Terence was and how pale they both were. Being her protector means he will die when she does. Her wound began to heal and I concentrated more on her. Terence came back and he thanked me. I continued to focus on Symphony and the baby.

She healed fine but lost a bit of blood so she'd have to rest and build her energy back up. She would be okay. Her child remains unknown. But somehow I don't think it survived because of her lack of blood. We'll find out.

Dennis picked her up gently and sighed. Holding her close he took off and I knew he was taking her to her room. I helped Terence up and Dad took him to get food. He'll need it I'm sure. After all, he nearly died.

I saw Connor holding a lump form and I knew. We had won this battle but we still lost.

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