Chapter Fifteen: Training Part Two (Symphony)

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   Violet and Luke left and I knew why Dennis aloud her to leave. She was done with today's lesson. Somehow Luke had helped her. Tate was near and I knew it. I felt his presence as if he was right next to me.

   "Focus Symphony," Connor said and had me look at him. "He's still here isn't he?" I nodded and he sighed. "Try to focus on the lesson. Then I'll let you leave." He's such an ass...

   "You're an ass, Connor. Come on lets get this done. I'm getting tired and hungry." When his Dad and Sapphire finished I gave up.

   "I can't do this Connor," I said and sat down. "I can't concentrate with everything that is going on," I mumbled giving up. I can't concentrate with him touching me and Tate not.

   Kneeling next to me he told me I can do it I just wasn't trying hard enough to block out everything around me and clear my thoughts. How can I clear my thoughts when I keep remembering what he has done to me?

   "I'm trying as hard as I can!" I yelled at him. He slid his arms around me and I leaned on him, not because I wanted to, but because I was tired.

   "Maybe we should take a break," he mumbled. "You're tired and hungry." I nodded and he let me go.

   His dad came over and pulled me to my feet. He made me look him in the eyes. I felt tears run down my cheeks. I've disappointed him. I hate to do that to people.

   "No reason to cry child. I am not mad at you, but you can do this. I have faith in you and you should have faith in yourself. You are spirit. I understand how fragile your emotions are, but you are one of the strongest elements as well.

   Now close your eyes and block out every thought and every emotion. Focus on my voice and try to pull one of your other parts to the surface. We'll try an easy one first. Try switching to your fae side. It's not much different from your witch side. You just draw your powers in differently. Fae's powers lie within, but witches get their power from the elements surrounding them." I nodded and cleared my head. It helped me to know the differences between the two types of paranormals, because I was able to pull up my fae side. "See each one of you just learn things differently. Son I'll take Symphony to get something to eat. I want you and Dennis to hang out with your sister for a while. You three need to get to know each other." Connor hesitated, but then nodded and left.

   I followed my uncle and he asked me what exactly is going on between me and Connor. I told him everything and he sighed. He said he was really hard on Connor and Dennis when they were younger and that he was really strict about the old ways of the Collier family because his dad had been really hard on him. He understands now that it's not right. He promised to talk to Connor and we stopped walking.

"You're mate's name is Tate right?" I nodded and he kissed my head. "Go on, but keep working on switching between your gifts." I nodded and thanked him, then ran to find Tate.

   He cought my arm and pulled me to him. I apologized for saying what I had said earlier and kissed him. He said he forgives me and brushed my hair behind my ear before kissing me back. Gawd I love him, a lot.

   That night I practiced switching between my powers and after a few fails I managed to switch to my Vampire side. The problem was I couldn't switch back. I wanted blood and that kinda disgusted me a little. Groaning I went to find either Tate or my uncle. Tate found me and had me sit down.

   "It's okay Symphony. Try to remember the difference between fae and witches. Then compare one of those two to the vampire's power." I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate.

   It worked. I was a witch again. Thank the gods. Being vampire sucked. No pun intended, but craving blood was an awful feeling. Plus Tate's blood pounding though his veins wasn't helping much.

   He helped me figure out the rest of it and then hugged me close. I'm greatful to him for the help and for being here for me.

   "Good job, love. You deserve a reward for that," he mumbled, then kissed me gently and pulled me closer. I smiled and buried my face into the curve of his neck. He sighed and ran his fingers through my hair and down my back."I love you, Symphony."

   "I love you too Tate. Will you walk me back and then stay?" I asked tiredly. He smiled and kissed my head.

  "Always," he mumbled. We stood and went to my room. Again, Jersey wasn't there. Where is she? I'm really starting to worry about her. I hope she is alright. Tate told me to relax and we laid down.

How could I relax when my roommate is missing?

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