Chapter Nine: Violet

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   I woke up late and swore, I'm  late again. As I got out of bed a bracelet fell on the ground. It was beautifully designed. It was a vine like designe and was silver and gold colored. Can't tell you how or why, but I knew it was mine somehow. Putting it around my wrist, I clasped it and then changed for school. I was heading towards class when a conversation cought my attention.

"So I heard that Sapphire and Brent spent the night together. They must  have done it right? " A guy's voice said.

"No way he's too much of a man to take advantage of a girl like that I bet you they just talked all night." A girl said.

"Exactly, he's a man, no man I know would not take advantage of that. No girl would not take a man like him either." Another girl said.

"Maybe she's different. Maybe she has history none of us know about. Who knows maybe she wants to be closed off and doesn't want to get close to anyone," the first girl said.

'hmm... does Sapphire feel that way? It's weird how much you don't know about your own friends. Maybe she is closed off,' I thought as I hurried to class.

"You're late, Mrs. Adams," Mr. Stevens said. I groaned inwardly. Of course I am. I'm always late. I'm cursed when it comes to being on time to things. It kind of sucks really.

"I know sir I have no excuses this time. I take full responsibility for it," I mumbled. Honestly I'm just tired of giving excuses.

"Good then you are starting to learn," he said and motioned me to take my seat. You see, this is my third day here and my third tardy.

   At Lunch I found my sister and sat with them. Sapphire's eyes seemed to stare at my wrist and I pulled my sleve down to cover it. Why I felt the need to was beyond me. She continued to stare at me.

"Where did you get that bracelet?" she asked. 'Why did it matter? And why was she staring at me? It's a little unnerving,' I thought to myself.

"I found it on my bed this morning. Why?" I asked skeptically.

"No reason, sorry." Her and her boyfriend shared a look. 'What do they know? Why does it matter where I got it? Why did she ask in the first place?' I wondered.

   Even my sister stared at me with surprise. 'What is going on?' After breakfast I stopped my sister and asked her why she was staring at me like that.

"I'm not sure what to tell you Violet. I know your my sister, yet I also don't know if you are." What?! That makes no sence.

"I don't understand Ember," I mumbled honestly. She isn't making any sense right now. 'How can she not know if I'm her sister, or not? Of course I am!' I said in my mind, 'this is so weird.'

"I don't either." She walked off, so I went to talk to Sapphire. My sister was no help so maybe Sapphire will be. I caught up to her.

   Sapphire took my arm and took me outside. As we walked she explained to me about the bracelet. She and Symphony also had one too. 'I'm a Collier witch? But how is that possible? I know for a fact my mother gave birth to me. The only other way I could be a Collier witch is if my mom had cheated on my dad or he's not our real dad. Is it possible Ember can get a bracelet too? There had to be five of us,' I mulled over in my mind. She said Symphony is the strongest of the three of us because she was a full blooded witch.

   This was a lot to wrap my head around. Now I understood what my sister meant. This was something I had to ask my mom about, but I knew I couldn't do it over the phone or in a text or email. It had to be done in person. I knew it wouldn't be easy to get a pass from school especially a pass to leave campus.

   When Sapphire went to class I sought out the Head Mistress. I knocked on her office door and she called me in. Shakily, I opend her door and stepped inside shuting it closed behind me. I'm scared to ask her this request, I haven't been here all that long.

"Ahh, Violet please take a seat. I assume your here about the bracelet," she said. 'Whoe, wait, what?!' I thought.

"You know?" I asked surprised. She motioned me to sit and I did. I was really curious now. How'd she know?

"Of course I do. Collier's aren't just witches you know. Though their witch side is the most dominant. You see, Colliers are a mix of all the supernturals in one. Sometimes their witch side isn't the most dominant. Now tell me why you've truly come," she said. I took a deep breath before speaking.

"I wanted to ask for your permission to have my mom come visit me. Just her. I need to know if..." I couldn't finish, I trailed off.

"He is Ember's father, not yours," she said as if reading my thoughts. 'Can she read minds?' I wondered. 'It would explain a lot.'

"Still I would like to talk to her," I said staying on topic. She nodded, but told me only on one condition, I had to let Ember join me and my mom. I agreed to. I was nervous about this but I knew it was an important conversation that had to happen sooner or later.

"I will allow a parents weekend for everyone. You have free reign to leave school grounds if you need to. If your dad insists on coming I will keep him busy for as long as I can." I nodded and thanked her. She nodded back and dismissed me.

"Wait how exactly are we all related?" I asked pausing at the door, the question just coming to mind. She sighed and I waited for her answer. After a long pause she spoke.

"You and Symphony have the same father. Sapphire is your cousin. The other two are Sapphire's siblings," she said. The last part surprised me a lot. How much does this woman know?!

"You know who the other two are as well?" I asked, the surprise and disbelief leaking into my voice.

"Yes and not all Collier's are girls or wear bracelets. They're guys so they'll have rings with the same design as you're bracelets. Good luck, Violet. Just let your teacher know that you were talking with me," she said clearly dismissing me. "And yes, I can read minds," she said before getting back to her paperwork. I nodded and left her office still stunned.

   I went to class and told him I was with the Head Mistress. He nodded and I took my seat. My mind wandered to everything that I had learned today. The Head Mistress can read minds, Symphony is my half sister and Ember is also only my half sister, Sapphire and I are cousins. I hope the other two won't be mean or idiots like most teenage guys.

   Well, we'll see.

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