Chapter Twenty - Two: Almost Rescued.

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   We were so close now, she is in one of these buildings, but which one and how would we get past all the guards? This is so much more difficult than I thought it would be. Which building is she in? How will we determine that?

   We have to save her soon. They're hurting her.

. . . . . . Symphony's P.O. V. . . . . . .

When they finally changed the bandages on my body I saw what they did. A tattoo ran from my thy all the way up to my chest. Why the tattoo? Why won't they kill me? What did they mean by all the elements equally? I don't get this. Why'd they choose to take only me and no one else?

I tried to figure out what it was. All I could make out is some kind of design. That's when I realized that they were watching me. I met the man's gaze. He just studied me. The girl rebandaged me and I winsed. It was still tender. One of the guys followed her out looking like he was about to jump her. I feel so bad for these girls.

"Is that sorrow and pity I see in your eyes Collier?" The man watching me asked. I looked away and stared at the bed. "Leave us," he commanded the others. They left and he sat on the edge of the bed. I looked up at him slightly. He studied me again then came over. "What right do you have to pitty anyone here?" he asked suddenly turning emotions. His hand came back to slap my across the face and I shrank back. His eyes changed from a dark blue to more of a sky blue as he lowered his hand. "You are beautiful up close, Collier," he mumbled. I just stared at him a little confused. What the hell? He kissed me. His lips felt like fire. It spread throgh me and I gasped as he pushed me to my back.

It didn't stop for hours. He hurt a little, but I could tell he was actually not trying to. This man had to be at least 28. How does a 28 year old become the leader of a whole bunch of people. It's his family but wouldn't there be older family members than him? From what I know Caleb F. Roman is the leader and was when my father was younger too. So this man can't be the leader.

An alarm sounded and he growled. He didn't stop, not until a guard came in and said that they have intruders. The man pushed once more before getting up and leaving. I'm so sore now. I curled into a ball and cried myself to sleep.

. . . . . . Tate's P.O..V. . . . . . .

An alarm sounded and I froze, were we cought? How did they know we were here? We hurried our asses out of there anyway there was no sence in us getting cought too. We'll have to come up with a different plan. It wasn't until we were at a safe distance away that we realized that the alarm wasn't for us. I had forgotten we aren't the only creatures or packs that are against the hunters. Right now the Witches were attacking. I had to admit the colors were amazing to see.

We could have saved her but he had to leave, had to run. Now she will suffer more. We'll have to wait for another opening. I wanted to go help the witches. I want to rip these people from limb to limb. They're hurting my mate and that is unforgivable. Terence's presence is getting on my nerves though. He clearly has feelings for her and I'm tired of guys liking my mate. When I get her safe the first thing I'm gonna do is mark her as mine.

I hate the look of sorrow and sadness in his eyes. What right does he have? She is my mate and he's acting as if she is his. I know he said he was her protector but I see more than that in his eyes.

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