Chapter Twenty - Seven: Sword Fighting

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I found it hard to concentrate in class. Jersey has cancer and she didn't want me to help her. I feel like breaking down and crying. She's my best friend and my roommate. Why does she want to die even though she knows I can help her? Why can she and Dennis accept death when the thought of it scares me? My father has already been taken from me why take my friend too?

A tear finally slid from my eyes and I wiped it away. My teacher came over to me and rested his hand on my shoulder. I jumped a little in surprise and he asked me if I was okay to be here today. I didn't answer because I didn't know if I was okay or not. Mentally, I'm not, but physically there was nothing wrong with me. So all I did was shrug. He told me to stay after class.

When the bell rang I had almost forgotten he asked me to stay. At least till I was stopped by him and I sighed. Woops. We both watched the other students leave. When the last of my classmates were out the door he turned to me.

"Symphony, look, you need to go see the counselor. It's clear you haven't been sleeping well and I've been informed that you are slipping in classes and closing yourself off. None of your friends see you anymore and they say when they do see you you're closed off and distant. So let me ask this... Why are you hiding from everything and everyone?" he asked.

I wish I could tell him and I would have if not for the thing I promised the Head Master didn't play through my mind and if a strange feeling didn't come over me. I couldn't tell this man. I don't trust him and I promised to keep it within our small circle, we all did. I am The Chosen One. The only people who could know though are the people who were there that night and the Head Master. I told him I'll talk to the counselor after school but had no intention on following up on that. I didn't promise I would.

Once back in my room I froze. Jersey and Logan were making out. Whoe. My heart sank again after my shock wore off. He's going to be devastated when he finds out she only has a few days at the most. She really should be in the hospital. But the doctors let her come home to be with the people she loves before she goes. Suddenly I started crying and I slid to the ground. Logan was instantly by my side and he looked puzzled. So she really hasn't told him yet. I pushed him away and standing on shaky legs I took off towards the training feilds where I knew Terence would be. He was waiting at the edge of the feild for me while his teacher and classmates kept yelling at him. He wrapped me up in his arms the instant I was close enough. He knew.

I cried against him hard and he sighed heavily. I was feeling so much hurt and I saw the toll it was taking on him. I have nightmares that keep me awake at night and I know he can feel every bit of it. He's not sleeping well either because of me. Yet he swears that he sleeps fine and that he loves me enough to bear my feelings. I know it's running him down, just as it is running me down. I feel terrible which he feels as well and always says it isn't my fault.

Terence's teacher yelled at him to get back to his training and asked me why I wasn't in my classes. All Terence did was shoot him a glare and his teacher looked about ready to pee himself. Okay ... Odd. I buried my head against Terence's neck and tried to calm myself down.

"Omg she is such a drama queen. Your father died, get over it," this girl said rudely. Terence pulled me to him tigter.

"That isn't why she is crying you bitch," he growled. "Jersey has cancer and only has a few days. She won't let us help her." He glared at her and I saw shock and guilt in the girls eyes. She looks genuinely sad and sorry. Key word looked. She blinked and said that that is just life and I needed to get over myself. What the hell is wrong with this girl? She is so negative and just plain rude.

Terence pulled away and picked up his sparing sword. She smiled and held her's up. I wish I had this class. They were both taking out all their anger on each other. Intrigued, I sat on the bleachers to watch. Their teacher came over and said that I looked interested in this sort of thing. I nodded. He told me to grab a sword and spar with him so he can see where I'm at with it. I asked him if he was serious and he nodded towards the sword rack.

As I grabbed a sparing sword another actual sword cought my eye. I ran my finger over it's smooth metal surface but avoided the sharp edges. It was a very cool sword and I hope one day I'll get to use it, or any sword for that matter. He smiled at me.

"I already like your chances. You have a good eye. That sword is very unique and the best one we have. Come on spar with me. I've seen some of your skill with fighting so lets see what you can do here. And maybe I can see about getting you into my class." I nodded and we took our places.

We were evenly matched for a while until I started to get a bit tired and then he got me a few times. Thank the lord that these aren't real swords. By the time we stopped school had technically been over for about two hours. He said he'd get me transferred to his class and asked if there was a class I absolutely didn't want to be in. I told him not one particular class, any of them I wouldn't mind dropping.

Terence was waiting for me and I went over to him exhausted and he kissed me lightly before steering me towards the girls' dorms and then up to my room. I paused when he opened the door. I tugged him back the other way and he understood.

"Babe, you gotta talk to her. You'll regret not spending time with her before it's too late," he whispered against my ear. I shook my head and tugged him again. "Alright love. Just please try to relax. You're so emotional lately and it's a little overwhelming."

We went to his dorm room and his roommate looked up from his game and put out his cigarette. He stood and offered me his hand. I took it introducing myself since he wasn't. Is he high? I looked at his eyes and I swear they were dilated. He blinked and said his name was Rodney. Terence corrected him saying that his name was Rodger. I rolled my eyes. Terence and I layed down on Terence's bed. I cuddled close to him and he held onto me tightly.

For once in weeks I slept through the night.

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