Chapter Twenty - Three: Mean While

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. . . . . . Sapphire's P.O.V. . . . . . .

I was worried about Symphony and now Tate and Tarence are missing. Did those two idiots leave to save Symphony all on their own? What if they get captured too or worse, killed. Symphony would never be able to live with knowing they died trying to save her. Plus losing a mate is hard. I know that from experience. If it weren't for Brent I'm almost positive I'd be falling apart. I've never loved anyone and then when someone finally got to me, I lost him.

I don't want Symphony to suffer the same fate. If I find her, I'll surly find them. But how do I even start looking? It's our fault for ignoring them when we shouldn't have. It's been almost a week since Symphony was taken. Why did they take her then just disapear. Is it possible they were only here for Symphony? But why?

I decided to go talk to my uncle. Maybe he can shed some light on this subject. Or maybe Dad could. I think I'd rather ask Dad.

On my way to find Dad I ran into Connor. He looked terrible and I don't blame him. I hugged him and he sighed. He said he was okay, but I knew he was lieing. His brother is in critical condition and may not make it. We need Terence and Symphony's help, but there both gone. If we don't get them back here soon then we'll lose Dennis.

"I'll find Terrance and I'll find Symphony. We'll save him. I'm going to go grill Dad on something, is he with Dennis?" Connor nodded and after giving him another hug I went towards the infirmary.

When I saw my brothers pale form I covered my mouth so I wouldn't gasp or cry. Dad looked over at me. His eyes showed sadness, anger, guilt, and sympathy. He knows how I feel and he knows Dennis doesn't have long. I have to find Symphony and Terence soon. Looking at my brother again, I stepped closer and took his hand into mine. His eyes fluttered open to look up at me.

"Hey there fire girl," he mumbled weakly. "Why are you crying? I'm perfectly fine, worry about Symphony." That made me flat out cry. He tugged me down next to him. Dad layed his hand on my back and he and Dennis shared a look. Dennis sighed and shushed me.

. . . . . . Dennis' s P.O.V. . . . . . .

I held my sister close and sighed. I know I won't last very long and I know she is hurting with that fact. Maybe just maybe we'll find Symphony and Terence in time, but I don't want to get my hopes up and I don't want her to either. It'll just hurt her more in the long run.

She pulled away wiping her tears and then turned to dad. She flat out asked him why they would just take Symphony and then disappear. That is a very good question and I wanted to hear the answer to it. Dad sighed.

"They may think she is The Chosen One," Dad said. Sapphire asked what that was. "It's an elemental that controles all five elements equally. In the past Colliers have been known to recieve such a gift, it only happens every three generations. Your generation being the third since the last known Chosen One. Making any one of you or none of u the Chosen. There are other elementals in the world besides the Collier blood line. Concsidering Symphony has a Rockland as a protector it is very likely she is the Chosen One. Though my child you could equally be the Chosen One. There are certain traits you have that make you unique."

I was surprised at this news. He never told Connor or me any of this. I know why though he didn't want either of us getting a big head about it, especially Connor. My brother would have instantly called himself the Chosen One just because he thought he should have that kind of power. Now though I've noticed a change in my brother's attitude, ever since he really got to know our sister and our cousins. Feeling tired I sighed and closed my eyes. Sapphire kissed my cheek and her and dad left me be. I hope she'll be okay after I'm gone. She may be strong and fierce but she loves her family.

I'm ready to go.

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