Chapter Thirty: Too Close

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   As I stepped into my room all I saw was a shell of the girl I once knew. She looked so thin and so weak. He was sitting in a chair by her side and I had to smile. Even knowin,g he stayed with her. I had been a terrible selfish friend when I had refused to see her and accept that she didn't want my help. Now I only have a day, if even that.

   She looked up at me and smiled weakly. I smiled sadly back. I told her if this is what she wanted then I'd support her and stand by her side till the end. Logan woke and saw me. He stood and said he'd leave us be. I grabbed his arm and asked him to stay. He saw the struggles in my eyes and nodded only once before he slid an arm around my back without a word. He led me to her side and she smiled at him greatfully.

   "Hold out your hand Symphony," Jersey said to me.  I shakily put my hand out. She tried to sit up and Logan helped her. She pulled off a necklace with a large gem on it. "It contains all my power and it is my family stone. I want you to have it." I begin to protest but then Logan closed my hand around it giving me a look. Nodding, I accepted the necklace.

   "Why... Why won't you let me help you?" I ask as tears poured down my face. She ran her fragile fingers across my cheeks. She asked me to do her a favor. She asked me not to cry for her and be strong at her funeral for her family. She begged me to say something for not only her but for her family and our friends at her funeral. I promised her I'd try.

   She nodded and fell back to her bed tired with the effort of sitting up. I took her hand and Logan brushed her hair from her face. The next morning I found the bed empty and I knew. I knew she was gone. Terence was there instantly saying that this part I shouldn't do by myself. I clung to him tightly. Will I ever escape this dark hole of grief? First my Dad and now my best friend, must the universe be so cruel?

   Terence shushed me and held me close. I love him. I'm glad we are mates. He knows me so well always has, from the moment I met him in that classroom.

   Sapphire, Dennis, Connor, Violet,  and the others came in. They took in the scene. Dennis apologized for this and then Sapphire said that they were getting closer, I had to get ready to fight.

   Nodding I stood shakily and Terence stayed at my side. Once in our private place we started training. Uncle had me face each of them so that I could face each element. Well all except Spirit anyway. I felt my power building each time I used one of the elements.

   There was a scream and my first instinct was to run to find out what it was but I planted my feet and consentrated. I used my spirit power to project my own spirit to the scene. A large winged creature, all black, stood over the trembling girl and bent it's head towards here.

   'We want The Chosen one or we'll kill every last one of you. relay this message to her and I've no doubt she will come forward,' it said before taking off, slitting the girl's arm with its claw.

   I slammed back into my body with a gasp. Uncle stared at me. I told them we had to hurry. They were getting close.

   Too close.





   Note: Sorry for the short chapter guys. What do you guys think about me making a second book after this one?

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