Chapter Seventeen: Woodrow Park (Violet)

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   After Sapphire told us about what her mate told her we went straight to work and continued to train. We only have 20 hours to get there. After 19 and a half hours we got our new Head Master to let us leave school grounds, which wasn't easy at all, and we went to Woodrow Park.

   The park was an open grassy area with trees lineing three edges of it. A few trees were scattered throughout to provide shade and there were benches and tables under a few. There were enterances to the woods providing trails and undoubtedly signs so one didn't get lost. Tere were so many directions our enemy could come from that we had to be on high gaurd.

   All of us moved further into the park so we wouldn't be seen from the street. once out of sight from it we all kept our eyes and ears open.

   We made our mates stay back at the school and I'm hoping that they listened to us. Symphony's dad suddenly appeared and our uncle nodded at him. Did he somehow ask him to come? I don't know, but I don't want him to be here.

   No one was here and I felt suddenly on alert. This is wrong they should be here by now. I'm worried that they might have brought us here to separate us from the school. If they attack the school and we're all here I'm afraid we may not get there in time to save anyone.

   By 20 minutes after our deadline I began to worry. Maybe we should send a few of us to the school just to be safe. I looked at Symphony and noticed that she seemed to be listening for something. Is something coming? I tried to listen too, but didn't hear anything. Maybe she was using that spirit power of hers.

   When she straightened and looked to the left I moved to her side. That seemed important. She must sense something.

   "What's up?" I asked her and she looked at me. I saw it in her eyes. It's time to fight. They were here.

   "They're here," she said and trusting her I got ready."Wait, it's a distraction watch out." She shoved me away and she was thrown to the ground a few feet away.

   The battle has begun.

   The others sprang into action instantly. I stood only to be thrown back into a tree. He choked me and I began to lose consciousness. I collected my power and sent a ball of icy water into his chest and he let me go. As I gasped for air I saw someone else join the fight. Who is he? I can't tell if he's on our side or not.

   I dodged quickly out of my opponents way, avoiding his attack. Damn he's fast. I cried out as he landed a kick to my side.

"Violet!" Sapphire called out. "You okay?!" she asked. I nodded and stood back up. This guy is strong too. Time to stop holding back. As he came at me again I reacted quickly and slammed my foot into his stomach. That's when a large cat attacked my opponent. Had to be Logan. Shit.

   I saw Brent knock Sapphire out of the way just as she was about to get hit with a fire ball. Whoe. I dodged and told Logan to watch out. Gathering my powers I covered my opponent with water then froze it.

   "Violet, blood is made up of mostly water, just feeze his blood!" Dad called out. I hesitated. Won't that kill him? I've never killed anyone before. I glanced over at Sapphire and fire was building around her, burning at least a few feet of the grass all around her. Wow. My ice barrier cracked and melted. Do I really have to kill this guy?

"Please, I don't want to kill you," I said. "But I will if you give me reason to," I added.

"You're wrong beautiful. It's you who will suffer at my hands. I will make you watch your mate die." Suddenly he had Luke by his throat slowly choking the life out of him. That was my last straw. I stopped his blood from flowing and froze it. None of his blood will make it to his heart. Shifting to my Vampire side I went to help Symphony. That guy I don't know was busy fighting another guy. Symphony kept glancing over at him. Just then a large bird grabbed the girl Symphony and I were fighting and I knew it was Tate. None of them stayed at the school like we had told them to.

  Right now I couldn't be mad at them I was happy to have their help. Symphony and I attacked the girl at the same time. The girl's scream was cut short by Symphony's blow. I saw a bright light leave the girl's body.

  What exactly was Symphony's power doing? And how does she know how to use it so fluently? I couldn't ask her but I made a mental note to A.) ask her later and B.) to never piss her off.

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