Chapter Thirty - Three: Pain Of Loss (Symphony)

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I sat in front of her casket and couldn't stop my unending tears. I should have protected her. I should have realized she needed help. I was so worried about myself dieing that I hadn't thought about her. Now she is gone and we barely got to know each other.

As Terence sat next to me he pulled me close. I cried into his chest as the preacher started speaking. Her mother was crying a few people down from us and that just fuled my guilt and grief. Her step father tried to comfort her and her sister ran off to the bathroom probably crying also.

Terence sat poker straight and held me. My rock. My love. From a quick glance he seemed to be holding out and being strong, but I saw the toll it's been taking on him. If you looked close you could see dark rings under his eyes and his jaw seemed to be clenched as if he were trying to hold back. He looked like he hasn't gotten much sleep since the day of the fight.

Her death was taking such a toll on all of us. After her funrral we all went back to the dining hall and gave a toast in her honor. Many people went on to the mini stage to stell stories about her. Someone called my name and asked me if I'd like to say a few words. I shook my head and slipped out the door. Terence came after me and led me back to my room.

That is where I stayed for days. People would bring me food but I wasn't hungry. My friends tried to talk to me but I didn't want to talk. Terence tried to get me to go out but I didn't want to socialize. No one could get me to leave my room and I wished they would just leave me be already. It's been two days since the funeral and I felt empty without her.

I barely knew her but she was still my sister. She was the sweetest person I knew. I'd never forget that about her. Violet was gone.

There was a knock on my door and Terence came in. He sighed and I looked back out my window before I noticed another person stepped into the room. The nurse. She came in to check on me and as she tried to touch me I moved away from her. It was the first time I have moved in two days, my body was stiff. Terence held his breath as I stood.

"Leave me alone," I told the nurse and moved slowly to my bed. Terence pulled me to him as soon as I was within reach. He breathed in deeply and I felt his tears. "Please just let me go." He shook his head mumbling "never" under his breath. He slowly lead me into the bathroom and undressed me. Then he undressed and turned on the shower. He wouldn't let me protest.

He and I took a shower and he wrapped a towel around me once we were out. I leaned against him and he kissed my head. When he let go gently he began to get dressed and I noticed some clothes on the counter. Reaching out I ran my fingers over them and decided to at least get dressed. He stopped me from leaving and brushed my hair and handed me my tooth brush. Sighing I gave him a look and that said I knew what he's trying to do. Ignoring it anyway I brushed my teeth.

When he tried to lead me from my room I shook my head and told him I didn't want to talk to anyone. He begged me to at least come with him to eat. I agreed to finally but that didn't mean I was going to eat. Keeping my head down I let him lead me to the dining hall.

As we sat with the others I didn't say a word just played with my food while they talked about classes. Terence noticed and rubbed my back.

"Symphony, you have to eat hon. I can't stand to watch you starve yourself. Please eat," he practically begged me. Sapphire handed me a cold water and I took it. I wasn't hungry. However, I was thirsty as hell. I chugged the water and she sighed. "Thanks, Sapphire," he mumbled and pulled me to lean against him.

"I wish - I wish I had spent more time with her and had gotten to know her better," I mumbled quietly. Dennis sighed and so did Terence. "I'm sorry," I added and Terence shook his head.

"Don't be, my love. I understand that you are hurt and grieving but it doesn't mean you have to kill yourself in the process. Her death wasn't your fault," Terence mumbled. His lips found mine gently and he told my he loves me with all his heart.

The next few days my pain and grief at losing Violet slowly subsided and it was Ember who helped me finally let Violet go. She and I grew closer and we helped each other.

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