Chapter Six: New Kid (Tate)

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As I got off the bus I had to shade my eyes from the sun. Wow, this place is huge. I watched all the kids milling about, one girl stood out. That's her, the girl from my dreams. Symphony Rose Cordwell. She's the reason I agreed to go here in the first place. Our futures are entwined. How they are entwined is beyond me.

I have to meet her.

I perpously ran into her in the hallway and helped her pick up her stuff. Gawd she is a beautiful woman. I handed her her folder and phone.

"Sorry," I said not at all faking my nervousness. Her eyes are even more beautiful in person. My breath froze in my throat.

"You okay?" She asked. Nodding I stood and introduced myself.

"I - I'm Tate," I mumbled.

"Symphony," she offered and held out her hand. I took her hand into mine and shook it.

Her eyes rolled back and I instantly reached out and cought her as she fell. She was seeing my future and I knew it. People only glanced at us briefly before ignoring us completely. I lowered to the ground and held her close.

At least until he came and glared down at me. I met his gaze calmly. He's tall. Maybe even taller than me. I respect that she is dating him, I just think he's a little bit over protective. She can have friends too. He doesn't have to be the only guy in her life. Don't get me wrong, being her friend is not exactly what I want, but if it's the closest I can get I'll take it.

"That's my girlfriend you're holding," he mumbled bringing me out of my thoughts. I sighed.

"I know. She was having a vision, I cought her so she wouldn't fall. I'm Tate," I felt the need to explain why I was holding her and offered him my hand.

"Logan, nice to meet you," he said and shook my hand. I let go.

"Like wise," I mumbled, but it was anything but nice. I wanted to kick his ass for no aperant reason. I just don't like him.

Symphony started to wake up. I looked down at her and her eyes began to focus. She pulled away from me and Logan helped her up. I stood and asked her if she was okay. She nodded and thanked me. I nodded back and watched her walk away with Logan. Sighing I went to get my schedule and head to class.

The Head Mistress looked up at me and picked up a folder and held it up. I sighed. It's my folder, my very thick folder.

"I expect more than this from you Tate, your gifts are vast and I don't want you to waste them on petty fights and personal problems. Your from Snow Valley School so I expect you know the rules?"

"Yes ma'am," I mumbled and sighed again.

"Good you're dismissed." Nodding, I took my schedule and room key from her, then left. I went to my room to drop off my bag. Looks like my roommate is a science geek, great.

Once in class I took a seat and nodded at the teacher to continue. He introduced me to the class, then resumed his lesson.

'I heard he's from Snow Valley. That's like real hard to get into. He must be completely out of his mind to transfer here. It's like a down grade."

'Aren't kids that go to Snow Valley supposed to be really powerful too?'

'Yeah and I'd love to test him.'

"I wouldn't if I were you," I said to them. They all 3 blushed and turned back to the teacher's lesson. My gaze wandered around the room and rested on Symphony. She must have sensed my gaze because she looked up at me. I looked away and focused on the lesson.

After class I cought up to Symphony and she smiled shyly at me. I just wanted to brush her hair back from her face. Gawd why do I feel so strongly about her? What is it we're supposed to do?

"Umm, Tate do you need help finding the rest of your classes?" she suddenly asked and stopped walking.

"Yeah thanks. " I handed her my schedule and she took me to it. In truth I knew where all my classes were I just wanted to be near her. She nodded and I sighed. I followed her. She left me at my classroom.

It occurred to me that she still has my schedule and I turned to ask for it back, but she was already walking down the hallway. Sighing I went into my class and found a seat near the windows. My mind wouldn't focus on the class, it wandered to Symphony. Why did she keep my schedule?

When class was over I headed for my next class when Symphony grabbed my arm, stopping me. She stared at the ground as we began walking again. When we were alone I stopped her.

"What did you see earlier? " I asked needing to say something so we wouldn't have to leave each other.

"Nothing important," she mumbled. She was lieing and I could tell. I gave her a serious look and she looked at the ground again. "Don't do that anymore."

"Do what Symphony?" I asked comfused.

"Stare at me." I asked her why she didn't want me to look at her and stepped a little closer. She rested her hands on my arms and said to stay away. Apologizing I took a step back. She seemed conflicted and I didn't want to upset her.

"What's wrong Symphony? What did I do to upset you?" She shook her head and started walking again. I stayed quiet the rest of the day, but couldn't stop staring at her. She ignored it. Logan had noticed her change in mood.

She must have told him that I kept staring at her because at the end of the day he stopped me and warned me to stay away from her. I nodded and said I would. Well, I'll try to anyway. I can't stay away from her, but I had to try.

I had to try for her. So she will be happy. I don't know why I feel so strongly about her, but I do. I feel drawn to her in ways I have never thought possible. I have to find out more about her and what she saw, but how can I get answers if I have to stay away from her? She is a kind person and beautiful, it's hard not to stare.

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