15 and a day

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--- This chapter contains season 7 episode 20 PLL spoilers so if you haven't seen it, watch and come back :) <3 ---

Harpers POV

I wake up to the sound of pots and pans crashing from downstairs. It must be Anna. I roll around from facing the wall to see Troian still asleep on the floor. I smile remembering last night. I have to pull back my covers quietly and tiptoed over to the bathroom to shower. Another hour later, I came out of the bathroom dressed in light wash jeans and a sweat-shirt from PINK. As I was walking back to my bed, Troian rolled over onto my foot which woke her. "Morning." She moans "Hi. I didn't expect you to stay." I say. "Honestly, me neither." "I don't know where Emma is, she must have gone home." I let Troian shower while I braided my hair into two. I was picking at my guitar quietly when Troian came back we went downstairs together to find Emma, making waffles. "I must still be dreaming!"  I joke, even though I felt like I was and should be. "Good morning you two. Where have you been, I've been up for hours." Emma exclaims. "We slept in. How can you even possibly get up that early?" I ask sarcastically. "You're not a morning person?!" We all laugh. "Hey Harps, maybe you should check up on Anna," Troian suggests. "Good Idea. I'll be right back." I head back upstairs and outside Annas door, I can hear her mumbling to herself. I open the door a crack to see her sheets sprawled across the floor and Anna half on the bed. She is playing with the ends of her hair. "Ahhh!" She screams when she sees me and ends up on the floor completely. "Good morning," I say, coming to sit next to her on the ground. "Good morning Haaaarrrrpppppeeerrr" She drags. "You didn't sleep at all did you?" I sigh. "Nooppppeee," Anna said with a cheeky smile on her face. "Sleep," I demand with power, I know she will. "Fine, MOM" She whines and with that, puts her head down and is out like a light. Back downstairs, 3 pancakes were stacked up waiting for me. "So, how's the patient?" Troian asks. "Passed out. She didn't sleep." I say. "That does seem like something she would do." Emma sighs. "Oh, oh yeah." I let out through a mouthful of pancake. We sat in a moment of silence. "So, Troian, you wanna tell me who A.D is?" I say cheekily. "Ha. Ha. Ha. Nice try." She replies. "Worth a shot," I say, slumping down in my seat, pulling out my phone. The three of us play around on Instagram and Snapchat, then I post a photo of us on Instagram. "You know you guys don't have to stay, I'm fine by myself," I say, not intending to hold them back. "I do have to be somewhere, I actually have to go now," Emma says, looking at the time. "Ok. Bye." Troian and I say at the same time. I make Troian sit with me to watch all of Season 7 of PLL, to see if I could get ANY clue out of her because it was the finale tonight. I got nothin'. "Pleeessseee Troian! One clue!" I plead. "Nope." She says with a straight face. "Damn."

Annas POV

I feel like I'm in a movie. When someone is waking up and the lens is all blurry, that's what it feels like. I have to work to untangle myself from my sheets. When I am finally out, I make my way to the door, but I catch a glance of myself in the mirror. I almost scream. I look awful. "Ewwww" I moan and go into the bathroom to shower and I change into black leggings and a sweatshirt that says GO AWAY. I think it suits me. From the top of the stair, I see Harper and Troian sitting watching TV. "Wud up?" I ask, trying to be gangsta. "Are you still drunk?" Harper asks. "No." I scoff. "What are you doing?" I ask. "Watching PLL, Troian ain't giving nothin' away," Harper complains. Troian laughs when she says that. "Aww come on Troian." I tease, wanting a hint as well. "Nope". "I will get it out of you. I know I will." Harper threatens. Troian hides her grin with a pillow. "I'm gonna go before I actually do give it away," Troian says, getting up and heading to the door. "Thanks for staying!" Harper sings, hugging her. "Thanks, Troian," I say, feeling guilty that I left her to stay with Harper when I should of.

When we heard Troians car drive away, I take Harpers' hand and I pull her to the couch. I pull the remote from under her ass and turn off the TV. "Hey, it was getting to the best part. Charlotte's killer was about to be shown!" Harper moans, talking about PLL. "Sorry, I need to talk to you," I say, not caring. "What?" She asks with a sigh. I take a deep breath. "I'm so sorry about last night. It was really wrong of me to do that on your day. I am disappointed in myself and I can't believe I have done that twice to you. It is not very mom like." I let out, trying not to well up. Harper was silent. I know she was mad. That made me cry. "Please, Babe. I am truly sorry. You have got no idea how bad I feel." "I do. You feel guilty and like crap, because you got drunk on my birthday. Simple." Harper replies with boredom in her tone. "No, I feel like shit and more than that. You don't know." I stress. "Ok. Whatever you feel like, I forgive you. Because I understand." I felt a weight come off my shoulders. "Thank you, baby. What do you wanna do?" I ask, feeling better. "Well, we can watch PLL as you so rudely interrupted it before," Harper says in a posh accent. "Whatever you wish my lady," I say back in the same accent. The finale was just starting when Anna turned the TV back on. "Do you wanna make a bet to who A.D is? Loser buys Taco Bell tomorrow. And if none of us are right, You still buy Taco Bell." I suggest. "Heeeeey! Not fair." Harper complains. "Fine. I will buy Taco Bell." I say, turning to the TV. "I think, either Ezra or Melissa are A.D," I tell Harper. "Ok, I bet either Ezra, Mona or Spencer are A.D." Harper places her bet. "Ok. And the baby daddy is...?" I ask. "Umm. Wren" Harper says, unsure. "Ok, I think Rollins still," I say. 

"HA HA! I knew it!" Harper screams when A.D was revealed. "Um mm. No, you didn't. You said, Spencer. Not her twin." I argue. "It's practically the same thing," Harper replies. "Nope. They are two different people. Two separate humans. No one wins." I debate. "They are both played by Troian, so practically..." "No, no, no. Not practically. Neither of us wins. But you still get Taco Bell so be happy." I say, finishing the case. Harper slumps on the couch. I smile with satisfaction. "HA HA! I knew it!!! Again." Harper screams suddenly, for the second time. "Um, not again but yeah, you knew this one." I sigh when Ali and Emily's babies daddy is revealed as Wren. "Fuck. I'm never right" I complain. "Nope, you're not" 

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