Chapter 5- Basic Training

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Embersoar's pads started to burn with pain as she followed Dragonclaw through the dank undergrowth.

It should be lush, and rich with prey... She thought, extending her claws. But then, stupid Lavaclan had to come along and ruin it all for Dragonclaw- no- for everyone!
*pride. LavaPRIDE.

Embersoar was dragged out of her thoughts by bumping into Dragonclaw's rump.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"Sorry!" Embersoar mewed apologetically. "I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine, Embersoar!" Dragonclaw meowed in amusement. "What's with you?"
She's obviously has a terrible crush on you

"Heh, heh, Very funny..."
Yes, I find your inability to be professional and serious funny as well.

Embersoar and Dragonclaw stiffened at the sound of another cat's voice.

"I know who you are..." Dragonclaw growled softly. "Show yourself."

An amber tom slid gracefully out of the mushy bushes.
Cats can't be amber can they???
Oh also this was at a time where I thought Amber was a red color.

Dragonclaw relaxed. "Oh, it's just you, Amberscar."
How fitting

"Of course!" Amberscar sat down, licking his paw. "Who else would it be?"
And this is my attempt at a different character

Embersoar rolled her eyes at the cocky amber tom. Woo hoo... just what i need... a boastful Skypride cat...
He gonna be stealing your man?

Dragonclaw, who was rolling his eyes as well, growled. "Well, I guess this would be a good time to start some basic training."
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Embersoar's eyes widened in excitement and wonder. "I'm going to learn some expert Skypride moves?"
Oh yes

Amberscar looked confused for a moment, then his eyes flashed with understanding. "No, not expert Skypride moves," He meowed in amusement. "Some basic ones to start with."
Seriously she's so stupid how did she miss that??

Dragonclaw got right to business. "Amberscar, you stand here," He meowed. "Embersoar, you stand here," He meowed, pushing her to the other side of the clearing, facing Amberscar.
Because Embers is apparently incapable of walking

"Now," Dragonclaw growled. "Embersoar, I want you to attack Amberscar. Whenever you' ready."
Fite fite fite

Embersoar fixed her gaze on the right side of Amberscar's flank. He isn't gonna be ready for this! She thought, her tail twitching slightly.

Then she leapt for the left side of her flank.

When she hit the ground, Amberscar was suddenly gone. Then he was on top of Embersoar.
Seriously how didn't you think that would go wrong?? That's the oldest trick in the book

Embersoar squealed in shock and pain when Amberscar raked his claws down her flank.
Welcome to "SkyPride", Embers.

"Stop! Stop!" Embersoar heard Dragonclaw yowl. Oh, thank Skypride!

"Embersoar, your leap was all over the place, and your landing was clumsy! Try again!"
Haha rip

Embersoar gaped. Doesn't he care that he completely clawed my flank to pieces?
Nope. And neither do I.

She groaned and got up, shaking her dusty pelt.

They tried again, and again, and Embersoar received more and more complaints, orders, and claw marks. Then, finally, she got it right.
Spoiler alert

Embersoar leapt, this time playing dumb, and doing the same mistake as she did the first time. Amberscar leapt out of the way, and roared in triumph, thinking once again, he would get to leave a remembrance mark on Embersoar.
"Remembrance mark." ...????

Not this time.

Embersoar leaped out of the way, and Amberscar crashed into the spot where Embersoar used to be with a muffled umph.
About freaking time

Embersoar leapt on top of him and raked her back claws down Amberscar's spine.
She's learning

This earned a yowl of pain through the transparent tom.
Through? You impaled him with sound waves??

Dragonclaw yowled. "Great job, Embersoar! I'll teach you another move!"
Wait seriously

Embersoar groaned, her aching, bloody body begging her to rest.
There ain't no rest for the wicked, Embers.

I guess I need to get used to this if this is my home now...

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