Chapter 6- The Bloodburst Plague

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Leafshine stood where the Stardust cat had disappeared. Did she recognize her? What had happened? Leafshine knew that cat.
Gasp plot twist

It was oddly silent. Very silent. Then the sound of moaning.

Leafshine crept towards the strangled noise, very low to the dusty ground. Her fur pricking, she poked her head around a glossy holly bush.
No please spare my soul

A cat she had never seen before- a kit- was lying in the middle of a small clearing about four tail-lengths wide. It squirmed and whimpered.
I'm almost relieved

Leafshine relaxed her tensed muscles and padded to the kit. It looked to be about five moons old and had a light gray tabby pelt. His amber eyes bulged in pain and he let out another moan.

"Are you alright?" Leafshine asked warily, her heart throbbing in the thought of the pain he was going through.

He opened his jaws to say something, then coughed out a huge glob of blood, his eyes rolling back into his head. He shook violently and blood began to leak through his eyes, as if he was crying blood. Blood also began to leak out of his ears, nose, and more out his mouth. Leafshine stepped back as she watched in sheer horror as the kit's tensed muscles shook harder, more blood coming and coming... His muscles gave a huge jerk that racked his whole body.
Holy shiz what the actual heck snag

Then it just simply stopped.

No yowl, no cough, no anything.
Fun fact I have nightmares that can be significantly worse than this and I wake up emotionless

Leafshine, panting and horrified, stood over the lifeless body of the helpless kit that died a terrible painful death.
uM yeah I need a minute

Suddenly, a scream behind her. Two cats rushed over to the gray tabby heap.

The black cat, a she cat, wailed, "No! Goose! No, no, no! This can't be!" She sobbed and sobbed, oblivious to the stunned clan cat standing behind her.
Waaaaait a minute—- my brother's nickname is goose... this must be before that era

The dark gray cat, a tom, bowed his head, his tail touched the earth. "The BloodBurst plauge will get us all, eventually..." he sobbed quietly, standing over his dead son.
That's... morbid..

Leafshine was too shocked to do anything. She finally dragged her paws in the oppisite direction of the clearing, unable to watch the grieving parents. She soon plopped down next to a large oak tree.
Me getting home from school every day

The BloodBurst Plague?

Great... just one other thing to worry about.
So, let me analyze this.
She just witnessed the traumatic death of a kit who literally bled out seemingly out of nowhere and the first thing you think of is how you have to worry about the plague. As it turns out, Leafshine is either a narcissist (wouldn't surprise me tbh) or a psychopath.

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