Chapter 4- Joy And Stolen Trust

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Silverteeth gaped in awe at the beautiful sunlit sight around her.
And we have Skypride.

"Hello, Silverteeth."

Silverteeth whipped around, startled.

"How do you know my-" Silverteeth paused, her eyes misting up with tears of joy. "Diamondstar!"
Wait, what? Who is Diamondstar?

Diamondstar smiled sweetly, looking younger and less battle scarred than when she gave her last living breath of air.
I'm having chapter 2 flashbacks

Silverteeth burst into tears, nuzzling into her fur.
I need some context

"I'm so happy to see you!" She exclaimed, so happy she felt like she could touch the stars. "I- i... Wait." Silverteeth paused. "How did you get into the Pride realm?"
You're in the stars, Silver. Wait- realm?!

"I have the ability to switch dimensions." Diamondstar meowed as if it were no big deal.
You have got to be kidding me

Silverteeth stared around at the shining sunlit fields, the sun warming her furry back, beautiful fluffy clouds and lush springy grass surrounding her in it's shining beauty. She felt like she could just leap into the sweet smelling air and... fly.
Waitwaitwait, can we get back to how Diamond can switch dimensions?!

As if reading her thoughts, Diamondstar asked happily, "Have you ever wondered what it's like to fly?"
Seriously, is no one else concerned with this?!

Silverteeth looked up sharply, startled at the question. "Y- yes..." She stammered.
Silver omg

She had had dreams about flying from time to time, and thought about it a lot, too. Just gliding through the air almost forgetting yourself... being truly free.
*Attempts relatable paragraph*

Suddenly, Silverteeth and Diamondstar were surrounded by the mighty fallen Skypride warriors, their starry gazes resting on her, making her silver fur tingle with excitement.
The light, the dark, and the living, an ancient balance that keeps all, is returning...
Oh hey how long were you listening? And also, it seems original prophecy is back.

Suddenly, to Silverteeth's horror, fiery pain flew through Silverteeth's spine and she collapsed to the ground, writhing in agony.
This sentience is slightly confusing but I'll give me a pass.

What? This can't be the real Diamondstar! She thought sadly. What a way to welcome a new Skypride warrior!
That's your first thought? That's not welcoming?

"I thought you were good!" She screamed at Diamondstar, her thoughts blurring together and clouding. "I thought I could trust you! Why would you do this?"
Please tone it down

All of the Skypride warriors's faces blurring together, along with the sad look of Diamondstar.
Bye Diamond

The world turned painful and black.
Oh wait the end? That was short.

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