Chapter 11- The Living Amulet

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Leafshine, Palestripe, and Tigershade all crouched in a circle around the squirrel from earlier, and an old blackbird.
Terrible grammar right away. Fantastic way to start.

"All you guys caught was an old, skinny blackbird?" Tigershade scoffed, flicking his dark stripped tail.
What else could an old lady and a narcissist do? Did you expect more??

"As if your squirrel as any healthier." Leafshine growled back, her ears laying flat. "I leaped three trees to catch that blackbird."
That means you're five for six trees. Next tree she climbs, she should fall.

"I ran a whole clearing, and it never even knew what hit it." Tigershade snapped.
Okay Keith.

"I leaped four tail lengths in the air on a skinny branch!" Leafshine puffed out her orange chest fur proudly.

"You two stop it!" Palestripe yowled. "Who cares who used more skills to catch their prey? You should be thanking SkyPride that you even caught it!"
Thank you, Shiro.

Tigershade glared at her, but knew better than to mention that she didn't catch anything.
Shh she's my favorite. *f o r e s h a d o w i n g*

Leafshine looked that the two staring down each other.

I wonder what kept them together?
Same tbh

The three cats devided the prey in between them, still hungry when they finished.

"Leafshine.. "

Leafshine pricked her ears. "Yes?" She looked at Palestripe who glanced at her strangley.
Lynda did I stutter

"What, dearie?"

"Didn't you- Never mind." Leafshine looked at Tigershade who was clawing a hole in the dirt to bury the bones of their meal.
Oh sorry- it's just the voices

"I'm gonna go get a drink from the stream." Leafshine meowed.
When a disembodied voice talks to you, the very first thing you should do is isolate yourself. Because you have a damn death wish.

"Alright, dear." Palestripe mewed."Just give a shout if you get into any trouble." she then ambled over to Tigershade to help him with the bones.

Leafshine sighed and padded to the stream, appreciating how swiftly Palestripe had accepted and trusted her even though she was from a different Pride.
Bro same bless Palestripe

As she bent down to lap at the stream, she looked at her reflection.

"How much I have changed..." she whispered to herself. She hadn't had time hardly ever had time to groom herself, never mind wash the blackbird blood off her muzzle.
Checks reflection in the middle of the literal apocalypse. Mhmm... *takes notes*

She blinked, in deep thought, and her reflection was replaced with a brown cat with purple, pupil-less eyes. There was an eight-pointed star on his chest.
"Greetings, Living."

Leafshine yelped and jumped back, looking at the opposite bank. No cat was there.
Tf was that?! Was that Soul?? If I remember correctly, I'm pretty sure that's Soul.

She crept back to the water to find the strange cat gone and a necklace floating in its place.
Pesky water strider

It was light green ribbon with a light green leaf charm.

As she leaned forward to examine it any further, a light breeze blew and leaves blew in a twister like fashion around her. She yelped in surprise, backing up, only for the leaf twister to follow her.
Great yeezus it loves her almost as much as she loves herself

A glowing green necklace suddenly flew up to her neck, fastening itself around it.

Almost as soon as it started, the leaf twister fell around her, making a circle of various colored leaves around her.
Oh that's p cool ngl good job Sneg of the past

She blinked and went straight to pulling at her amulet.

"Get... off!" Leafshine yowled in frustration, rolling around on the ground, sending leaves soaring in every direction.
Haha I kind of wish Silverteeth did this

"Leafshine?" Palestripe's voice rang out from the trees. "Leafshine!"

"Palestripe!" Leafshine yelped. "Help me! I can't get it off!"

A pale brown tabby pelt with white stripes was suddenly at her side. "Are you alright, dearie? What happened?!"
Mom :,) love u

"This collar-thing! It won't come off!" Leafshine yelped.
My god, she's a k i t t y p e t

"What's going on?" Tigershade appeared beside Palestripe as Leafshine scramble to her paws.
Oh nothing, Leafshine just can't handle the fact that something prettier than her exists

He paused, then laughed. "You look like a kittypet!"
Bro if you give less craps than Tigershade, you're going straight on my Watty bio

Leafshine glared at the dark tom then looked at Palestripe. She had a look as if she was holding in tears.

"Palestripe?" Leafshine mewed.

"I'm fine." Palestripe rasped and blinked her soft yellow eyes. "Let's head back to that clearing."
Um no you're not?

"Okay." Leafshine mewed and began to pad in that direction.

"No! Stop!" Tigershade growled and both she-cats turned around.

"We need to leave the pride territories." He meowed.

"What?!" Leafshine yowled. "Are you insane? This is where I was born and raised. There is no way in LavaPride I am abandoning my home! I was born here, and I will die here!"
If you stay for much longer, you might just get your wish

Palestripe gazed at Leafshine solemnly, flicking her pale brown tail. Tigershade glared at Leafshine in defiance, yet a flicker of hessitance at her boldness flickered in his sharp yellow eyes.
When a narcissist wants something, there's no stopping her.

Palestripe sighed, teary eyed again. "Tigershade, if you would like to leave, leave." she let out a slight whimper and her voice quavered. "No cat is stopping you."
Mom :"(

"But... Palestripe..." Tigershade stared at her, shocked. "We have been together since DarkPride split. I don't want to separate." a flicker of hurt crossed his eyes. "Do you want me gone?"
Noo Keith do you remember what that got you

Kind of. Leafshine thought, but didn't dare say it out loud.

"No!" Palestripe rasped. "I want to stay together, but I don't want to hold you back."
Can Palestripe be any more of a mom????

Tigershade turned and stalked to the clearing where they shared prey. "Let's get some rest."

Palestripe sighed and followed him, Leafshine behind her.

"The final battle is near."

"Prepare. Find the 'Light'."

I know the last part of this chapter was more me blabbering about Palestripe being a mom and yelling about Leafshine but the last part wasn't exactly terrible. However, we're getting more pointers that Leafshine is a narcissist through her ignoring Palestripe's obvious distress and wishing to send away a cat she holds so dear. hMmmmMmMm

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