Chapter 15- The Final Battle

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Leafshine's eyes opened to find her paws planted firmly into dark squishy grass. She turned her head to see Silverteeth, like a shining silhouette against the dank darkness of LavaPride.
Haha the word dank will never be the same after 2014

"So, do we find her? Or does she find us?" Silverteeth meowed, tilting her head.
As if to answer her question, a large crashing sound shook the bushes directly in front of them and a monster erupted out.

"Great SkyPride!" Leafshine cursed. She was maybe a bit smaller than a puma!
Good God!

"Foxdung!" Silverteeth spat, a frighened look tightening her face.

Embersoar lifted her mighty head, dropping two limp figures.
"Skyshadow and Spiritfeather!" Silverteeth gasped. "She killed them!"
Does... Silverteeth know these cats??

Embersoar kicked the bodies aside as if they were mice and stalked torwards the two prophecy cats, an evil twisted grin on her face.
Leafshine glanced at Silverteeth to see the moon amulet floating in between them, radiating a purple glow.
Leafshine glanced up at the Embersoar creature to see out of the corner of her eye... a bramble cage.
"Embersoar!" Silverteeth screeched, staring at the bramble cage where a despaired shadow of Embersoar sat, paws covered with her own blood from the thorns beneath her.
Oh shit, that was actually a clever torture method. (Swagtastic98 does not condone the torture of people or animals.)

The Embersoar creature barreled torwards them at a dizzying speed, both she-cats barley rolling out of the way in time.
"RAWRR!" The Embersoar creature screamed with rage as it barrled at Leafshine.

"Silverteeth! Attack from behind!" Leafshing screamed, leaping at Embersoar's face, colliding with it in mid-air.
Embersoar seemed taken aback that it's prey was fighting back, but resumed shaking its head around violently, Leafshine digging her claws in.
Embersoar seemed taken aback that it is prey was fighting back. Screw you past Snag. You know better.

Meanwhile, she could see Silverteeth desperately slicing at the back of Embersoar's neck, but to no avail.
*Warriors beaver fight flashback*

Suddenly, Embersoar bucked hard, sending Silverteeth flying into Leafshine, both she-cats tumbling to the ground.
"Foxdung!" Leafshine hissed and dove for her paws.
Bad mistake.
Embersoar smacked her hard in the side, sending her flying into a nearby oak.
Leafshine coughed, winded, and slumped down the tree, trying to catch her breath.
FS in the chat for the Clans

~~~*Silverteeth's POV*~~~

Silverteeth watched in horror as Leafshine cursed and dove for the Embersoar-Monster's paws and was sent flying.
Silverteeth didn't hesitate to take advantage of Embersoar's momentary distraction. She darted forward and raked her claws across her chest, blood spilling out.
Embersoar roared and backed away slightly, stunned.
I thought her fur was impenetrable..?

Leafshine ran back over. "This isn't working!" She yowled.
Silverteeth thought for a moment, then her eyes brightened. "I've got it! We have our amulets for a reason, right?"
Leafshine nodded.
"Well, maybe they shoot some sort of beam?" Silverteeth looked excited.
"That must be it!" Leafshine shouted. "Focus hard on the amulet!"
Is Embersoar politely letting them finish their conversation?

A bright white beam shot from the star amulet Silverteeth had, making her flinch slightly. Leafshone did the same.
"Silverteeth watch out!"
A paw hit her hard, and stars exploded behind her eyes as she was knocked to the ground. She scrunched her eyes open to see the sky.
The moon was slightly bigger than usual... but it was red.
She struggled to her paws to see Leafshine shooting her beam at Embersoar, yet to no avail.
I can't help but imagine Leafshine pissing on Embersoar

An idea sparked in her mind as she looked at the moon necklace that seemed to be attracted to Embersoar.
"Leafshine!" She yowled. "Shoot the moon amulet!"
Silverteeth gasped as her own beam shot at the moon amulet, the line from Silverteeth to it a bright light.
Leafshine shoylt the beam at Embersoar's eyes, stunning her, then shot at the moon necklace. As soon as she shot it, a black beam rocketed out of the levitating amulet, and straight into Embersoar.
Embersoar gave a long bloodcurdling scream, then began to sink into the ground...
Then simply disappeared.

The bramble cage evaporated and the real Embersoar tumbled out, a bloodied mess.
"T-thank you..." She coughed then collapsed, lifeless.
"No!" Silverteeth screamed, then was cut off as her amulet vibrated. She glanced up at the sky. The moon was growing bright once more. Suddenly, Silverteeth's body jerked, and her vision abruptly went black.
I- bye, I guess???

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