Chapter 8- Secrets and Shadows

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The brown and black tabby slid through the soggy undergrowth like a snake, his pelt sliding with the wet leaves. His ice blue eyes glowed in the darkness, penetrating all dark around them. He flicked his striped tail and twisted his head to look through a gap of some soggy thorn bushes.
And we're back with Satan's squire's squire.

There, in a bramble cage, sat his former apprentice... his former crush, Embersoar.
excUSE ME? Nah, this- nope I'm saving it for the end.

Her beautiful bright orange ears twitched as if set on fire as well as her tail. Her eyes were wide and bloodshot, as if she hadn't blinked in a while. She stared at the ground, muttering something inaudible, as if possessed. She was very faint, since Soultaker had somehow managed to take her soul from her soul. How was that even possible? Maybe it was the Shadow Venom?
Even small Sneg didn't know how to make this logical.

The Shadow Venom gave her her wings. She didn't know it at the time, but also was changing her on the inside... corrupting her heart until everything she saw, she wanted to destroy. Her eyes had turned purple, the color of the shadow venom, and pupil-less. She had trippled her size, and was now larger than a full grown lynx. Her fangs were longer as well as her claws, and she had a roar to match her looks. She was a monster, but her soul was holding her back. She proved that when she saved Spiritfeather.
I mean at least she has morals kind of.

That soul was what Soultaker took away.
heheheheh soul taker

The dark tabby frowned as he studdied her small, weak, maddened spirit. Was she still muttering the same thing?

"Please, help me, they're pulling me in... Please, help me, they're pulling me in..."
the power of Christ compels you the power of Christ compels you the power of Christ compels you


Too bad she would be in that cage forever. Unless after her body killed the other two prophecy cats, Thornstar might want to execute her in public.
But she doesn't have a body she's in h e l l

He lowered his ears. She was- or used to be beautiful and clueless... So clueless...

They took away her memory after they brought her here. Every last bit. Except for her name.
That there's a no-no

The dark tabby looked up at the trees... and a one star...
A star? He thought, twitching his whiskers. This is where the stars don't shine...

The star was very large, it was also very bright. It had a spooky, hypnotic feeling to it. It was red.
@ mars

Despite the star in the place of no stars, He let his thoughts drift back to Embersoar.
So clueless... She shouldn't have come here...
U sure u over her yet buddy?

The star began to whisper to him.

A secret that she had never known...

A secret that would madden her even further if that was possible...

A secret that would enlighten rage among the 'Light' and the 'Living'...

The dark that was supposed to be light...

Was forced into the shadows...

By the Red Star...
Bam! It's revealed! Embersoar wasn't a bad cat when she was alive, Lavapride just snatched her because why tf not I guess.

Okay it's analysis time. Embersoar has three layers of living, apparently. Her original body, which was discarded when she passed, her soul, and her- other soul. What? How on earth does that make sense?? Past Sneg could have made it so much better to just possess her one original soul instead of giving her soul a soul.
Another thing- the whole Dragonclaw secretly liking Embers? Totally kills the theme. That makes a total of two cat demons falling for the same fallen angel. They're cat demons. They're evil. Small Sneg was making them soft and capable of normal emotion. Which is not right. I have never even liked any element of romance or forbidden love. I think at this point I got self-conscious and was trying to cater to an audience. Ghhhhhh this is frustrating

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