Chapter 12- Go Fourth and Have No Fear

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~~~*Warning; slight blood and gore*~~~
Oh dear here we go.

Leafshine lifted her head, blinking her sleepy eyes. It was night and Palestripe and Tigershade were sleeping on either sides of her; Tigershade a bit farther off. A soft warmth was radiating from Palestripe's sleeping form and Tigershade twitched once, muttering something in his sleep, then relaxed once more.
It's... too quiet. I'm not good at being discreet.

Leafshine yawned. Despite the warm night, a chill zipped up her spine.
Palestripe's eyes fluttered open and she streched.
"Hello, dear." She mumbled. "Can't sleep?"
"No," Leafshine admitted, her ears lowering slightly, feeling like a kit again.
I think this was supposed to make Leaf seem like a relatable, vulnerable character. It just comes off as annoying.

Palestripe cleared her throat and sneezed, scrunching up her pale nose.
"I had the most dreadful nightmare," Palestripe shivered. "I was in a dark place calling for help, yet there was no cat around." Her eyes shrunk as she recalled her nightmare. "Then a voice said that there was no hope, and darkness will surround all, and to keep quiet or else..."
Well someone's about to face consequences. *Looks at reader through phone*

Leafshine laid her tail on the old cat's shoulder in a comforting manner. "We all have our nightmares," she sighed. "I almost wonder if LavaPride doesn't want us to sleep!" She joked, snorting.
Okaokayokay. Leaf is the most bound to StarClan- sorry- SkyPride- out of anyone here and she doesn't find this the least bit suspicious. Ffs.

"Well, in the meantime, we should get some rest." Palestripe purred "Big day tomorrow, we were going to go deeper into the pine trees for more prey!"
Woah apparently it's anarchy now-

Leafshine nodded and settled back down. "Alright," She softly closed her yellow-green eyes. "May SkyPride light your dreams."
"And yours as well," Palestripe muttered, falling once more under sleep's soft darkness.
Thanks, it probably won't.
Leafshine woke with a start to hoarse breathing and coughing.
She sprang to her paws to see Palestripe laying on her side, jaws and eyes wide, her front paws working madly, clawing the dirt with rapid strokes.
Holy hell

Tigershade was swiftly at her side.
"Palestripe!" He nearly wailed like a kit. "Breathe! You're going to be fine!"
Palestripe heaved in a breath, then coughed it back up again... along with a glob of scarlet blood.
Dread filled Leafshine's heart.
Truly no one saw this coming

"Palestripe!" Leafshine rushed to her side, tears spilling from her eyes. "No! Tigershade! Fetch her water! Quick!"
Why don't you??

Tigershade staggered backwards, stricken, then turned and pelted in the direction of the stream.
"This is LavaPride's punishment on me.." Palestripe cholked out, rose red tears begining to leak from her eyes.
You shoulda thought of that last night

"Why would they punish you?!" Leafshine set her paw on her pelt, only to withdraw it swiftly, for her pelt was sticky and turning red.
A trickle of blood seeped out of her nose and ears as she cholked out,
"Ember.... danger... final... near... find... light..." Then her eyes rolled into her head and her sides shrunk as she exhaled for the final time.
"Palestripe, no!" Leafshine screamed, her eyes huge and pupils dialated. "Please!"
An F in the chat for the only likeable character.

Tigershade nearly toppled her over as he rushed to her side.
"Noooo!" He howled, throwing his head back. "I knew we should've left! I knew it! If only could've convinced her!"
Leafshine crouched by her side, eyes huge, as Tigershade yowled insults up to SkyPride for taking her.
Leafshine's ears lowered in understanding. Palestripe's final words echoed in her head.
Find... light...
Bro she's INFECTED. Why aren't you getting away??

"Tigershade, kill me." Leafshine turned to him, her green eyes glistening.

"What?!" Tigershade faced her. "Never! This isn't funny!"
"Kill me." Leafshine stood tall, exposing her throat, her leaf charm catching the light of the rising sun.
"No! I will not!" Tigershade rubbed his forehead against Palestripe's.
Why would you ask him that? That's traumatic-

"I killed Palestripe."
Tigershade froze, stiffening, and turned to Leafshine.
"You what?" His eyes glowed with menace and hatred.
"I slipped a leaf with some blood of a dead plague victim into the piece of squirrel she had." Leafshine lied through her teeth. "She never saw it coming."
That is the least believable thing I've ever heard. He won't believe that

With no warning, Tigershade leaped at her and pinned her against a tree.
"Cold blooded killer!" He screeched, raising his paw, claws outstreched. "You don't even deserve last words!"
Are you serious?! Isn't he supposed to be wary or something ?

"She loved you like you were her kit." Leafshine croaked, eyeing his long claws, fear zipping up her spine.
Tigershade shreeched and sliced his claws across her throat, narrowly missing the ribbon necklace.
Leafshine slumped to the ground, Tigershade standing over her.
The edges of her vision darkened and she became less aware of the sticky warm blood pooling at her throat. His heavy breathing and birdsong became muffled as she took her last breath.
I- well.
At least the birds be vibin

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