Chapter 13- The Evil Within

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Back at it again with them relatable titles

Embersoar gazed through the purple haze after silver cat as she ran like the nonexistent wind to the border.
Yes. As you've stated hundreds of times, the dark forest sucks.

Pursue! An inner voice urged her. Kill! Kill!
Me though

"YOU'RE DEAD, SILVER CAT!" Embersoar yowled, ready to spring after the fleeing she-cat.

But she couldn't.

Her paws wouldn't do what she urged them to do. Run. Leap. Fight. Slash. Kill. It was like they were incased in ice. Invisible, warm, non-melting ice. Embersoar hissed at her paws, attempting to lift them while blocking out Thornstar's annoying angry yowls.
Bite them. That should work.

Come on! She wailed mentally at her bright orange paws. Run! Leap! Fight! Slash! Kill! Kill the silver cat! Embersoar glanced at Thornstar who was still yowling at her. Annoying furball.

Kill HIM...

Embersoar's paws sprung into action as if they were small bright orange rabbits with five pointy horns and a relentless desire to kill. Embersoar ran. She sprinted her hardest at a surprised, stricken Thornstar. Embersoar leapt. She cut through the thick humid air, a blur in the dark stinking Forrest. Embersoar fought. She shoved the angry half-lynx to the mushy ground, her claws digging into his pelt. Embersoar slashed. She aimed for the massive leader's exposed throat.

Embersoar didn't kill.

The shadow was too fast.

Mid-slash, a large, shadowy figure slammed into her side, sending the winged she-cat flying, and rendering her certain death blow completely useless. As Embersoar staggered to her paws in a defensive position with a paw raised, winded, the shadow charged again. Faster.
Woah that was a confusing paragraph.

Embersoar raised her claws with a well-trained defensive position, hoping that the speeding shadow would be unable to stop, skidding straight into her claws.
Hey this isn't a bad idea. Erins, take some notes.

It didn't.

It swerved with unreal accuracy around the black she-cat and attacked her from behind. Embersoar screeched in anger, the purple haze growing darker. Fiercer. New battle strategies formed in her head.
Twist, Leap, Tackle, Slash, Kill.
I'm sensing a pattern

Embersoar twisted in the shadow-cat's grip, wrenching herself free of its dangerous claws. She leapt, throwing the shadow-cat off of her with a victorious yowl. She leapt at the shadow-cat, tackling it to the ground. The shadow-cat hissed, and as if predicting what she was going to do, he moved under her well-aimed death blow and caught her forepaw in mid-air, unbalancing her. Embersoar slipped on the wet, soggy grass and fell on her back on the mushy ground. The shadow-cat did not hesitate to leap onto Embersoar and dig its claws into her pelt. Embersoar howled with rage, her well-recited death blows useless. The shadow-cat smirked and stared into her eyes. Embersoar felt paralyzed. She couldn't move at all. He opened his mouth wide and a purple spirit-sphere formed. Embersoar's eyes squinted, entranced by the light.. and then...

She was out of her body.
I am so confused- what just happened??

Embersoar didn't feel the need to kill anymore...
Well that's.. good, I guess.

She was a faint silhouette standing next to her still-entranced body.
Don't hecking tell me-

She stared at herself with wide eyes.
Is that me?
Past sneg pls don't-

The shadow-cat grinned. "I have your soul. This is what you are. A monster. That's why you're here." The shadow growled. "I am Soultaker, and you will spend the rest of your spirit-life secluded in a bramble cage... where you belong."

With that, Embersoar's spirit faded rapidly. Too rapidly. She screamed and terror and then...
Is this some kind of spiritception??


Bye then??

Only her monster self was left to cause death.

The prophecy was nothing. The prophecy was destroyed.
Aaand ya broke it.

Embersoar's Story 2: The Light, The Dark, And The Living
By: Swagtastic98
Look out for... Embersoar's Story 3: The Red Star

Oof, yep I'm reading that one too. Once I'm done with this, I'll read what I had of Leafshine's Prophecy. Yikes.

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