Chapter 10- The Light Amulet

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Silverteeth paced at the border of SkyPride and LavaPride, her silver tail flicking.

Something was stirring in her bones. She was always restless now.
Is- is she in heat?

Her thoughts drifted to Coalstripe. Why had he blown up at her that day? Was he just worried?

She shook her head and took off into the SkyPride field, the soft wind blowing through her silver fur.
How many reminders are we going to get that Silverteeth is attractive??? I'm really tired of it. We get it, Snag.

Her wings opened with a soft woosh and she glided gracefully into the air like an eagle taking off from its nest.
Old why but this reminded me of r/wooosh. The subreddit that perfectly described me at the time of this being written. And still now probably.

She flew through the soft SkyPride breeze and enjoyed the warm light on her back.

She glanced up at the stars and something caught her eye..
A fishing rod

A new star.

It was red...

Silverteeth tilted her head, her ears flicking. That was odd.
"The time is near, 'Light'..." a voice whispered suddenly, startling Silverteeth into tumbling to the ground.
*is flying at least 50 feet in the air* *hears voice and falls all the way to the ground without correcting her trajectory*

A shining object floated down to her, landing in the long grass in front of her.
Pesky bee

It was a necklace.
Pesky- necklace? Do cats know what necklaces are??

It was an ice blue ribbon necklace a star-shaped charm of the same color.
Guess I had a stroke here

As if were being held, floated up and was tied around Silverteeth's neck. She didn't step back, entranced.
And the stroke continues. Weird stuff keeps conveniently happening and that makes me uncomfortable.

Energy flowed through her body and she relaxed slightly.

The final battle was near.
The- What?!

She knew it.

I don't even know how to summarize this other than saying Silver sucks at flying and SkyPride is haunted

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