Chapter 5- The Battle of Decisions

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"It needs to happen now."

"No, Sunspirit. Let it happen on its own." Lunarspirit rested her tail on a white, soft cloud.
I think I switched the adjectives around.. it's awkward to read.

"If it doesn't happen now, who knows what she could destroy? How many she could kill?" Sunspirit paced back and forth in front of his mate, his yellow eyes fixed on the clouds in front of him.
I was going to criticize the fact that ancient spirits have relationships, but I mean it makes sense if you think about it ig.

"You can't just force a prophecy to hurry on its way, it needs to unfold itself." She murmured.

"Even if it means risking the lives of the dead as well as the living?" He hissed , stopping to face her. "You've seen the plague down there! The prides may not survive!"
They could just... separate and move.. if they haven't already..

Lunarspirit sighed, looking her mate in the eye. "I trust in Soul. Would he let the prides just die?"
What should we name new all-knowing-being-guy? I know!!

"Soul can't do everything," Sunspirit meowed, continuing his nervous pace. "Sometimes, we need to do things ourselves. It's the natural way."
Now that we know there's a higher tier of spirit, you guys look incompetent and I can no longer take you seriously.

Lunarspirit sighed, defeated. "I just- Since this difficult prophecy has started, everything is just so... complicated..."

Sunspirit padded over to her and sat next to her. "I know it's hard," he began, stroking her back with his brightly colored tail. "But since when has it been easy?"
WhY does this make me uncomfortable ew stop PDA PDA!!

Lunarspirit leaned into her mates fur. "It's never been easy... I just wish it could..."
Boo hoo you've done this a thousand times I'm sure and we don't care about your input so shUT

"Well, weather it gets easier or not, weather we will live or die, weather the prophecy will be saved will be up to the ancient three."
*****Whether you dingus

So basically, there are spirits for every element of life which are supposed to be a tier above SkyPride. And then there's all-knowing Soul who's a tier above the elements. That makes the elements look incompetent and SkyPride look mega incompetent. The cats religion has a religion that have a religion. What??

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