Chapter 11- Back Again

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Back at it again

Silverteeth sat in a willow tree not unlike the willow Coalstripe and her had shared in the walking life. Coalstripe let out a small snore and his head began to tilt to the side. Silverteeth giggled and whispered quietly in his ear. "I'm a big hungry fox, and I'm gonna eat you!"
How rood

Coalstripe's head whipped up, his yellow eyes like twin moons. "Silverteeth!" he yowled. "You know that won't work anymore! We can't have dreams!"
If I were Coalstripe and someone ruined my sleep, I'd push 'em out of the tree.

Silverteeth grinned, staring into her friend's yellow eyes. "Yeah, but it's still fun."
Traumatizing dreams and disturbing sleep is fun.

Coalstripe grinned also, and mewed, "Well, I'm gonna take a nap, and don't you try to scare me!"

"Okay, sleepy-head! But don't blame me if the big bad fox comes and eats you!"

When Coalstripe fell asleep, his gray tabby face relaxed and serene, Silverteeth heard some cat call her name. "Silverteeth...."
Oh god the voices

Silverteeth gracefully opened her silver dove wings and glided from the strong willow branch, her feathers tingling.

"Hello?" She meowed once her paws landed on the lush, springy grass, quiet enough not to disturb Coalstripe.


Silverteeth padded torwards the voice, her long ears pricked and listening for the slightest sound.
Alright, what have we learned from every movie ever?

Suddenly, as if out of nowhere, brambles encircled her.
Don't follow the voices.

Silverteeth sucked in the air to screech a warning, but something sharp, yet smooth slapped up against her muzzle. Brambles began to form beneath her paws, it's sharp thorns piercing her pads with agonizing pain.
This actually sounds awful

The bramble prison zoomed faster than a cheetah to a familiar dark place.

Oh, no... Silverteeth thought through dread and agonizing pain.

Lavapride. She never thought she would see it again. She had hoped she would never see it again. But, now it was real.
Welcome to hell ;)

A familiar dark grey tabby scarred face peered through the evil bars of the brambles.
The bars cackled with unrestrained satisfaction. They were possessed and alive and quite happy with their work.

Thornstar, leader of Lavapride.
For some reason, I imagine Fluffstar with a squished face like a Persian cat's but only in comedy situations. Imagine that menacing squish face just popping up like "hello I'm gon kill u now."

He cackled, grinning. "Hello, carefree Skypride cat." He snarled. "Welcome to Lavapride, where all your worst nightmares come true."
-Fluffstar, most generic dark forest cat in a fanfic.

A/N: Heya, guys!
So I decided that I'm going to do more short chapters like this one, but post more often! (Eh? Eh?)
Anywho, I have an Ask My OCs book out nao, and I would appreciate if u left a comment/question on it? Plz?
Stay Swaggy,

I thought to were done with these A/Ns???

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