Chapter 9- The Battle Of Emotions

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(Has a title ever been more relatable?)

Embersoar snorted. These new arrivals wouldn't last a day in this wasteland. They'd have to fight for their stupid lives, for some of the best Lavapride cats killed the weaker ones for fun.
This is what cat sports look like?

It wouldn't be too hard to pick Spiritfeather off, Embersoar thought, her tongue passing over her teeth. She's skinny, and the tom... looks like a weakling.
And now you're one of the players. That can be accurately taken both ways.

Wait. Why was she thinking so negatively? She wouldn't lay a claw on either of them. They didn't even look that weak!
But they're so scared, killing them would be for their own good...
Moar voicesss

As Embersoar battled with her emotions, she didn't notice Spiritfeather glance curiously at the tree she was in, and begin to climb up the rotting slippery bark, her blue eyes fixed on her branch.
*is terrified of Dragonfart* *walks away from him midsentince to look at tree*


Embersoar yelped and nearly fell out of the tree, gripping her claws into the bark. She then whipped around, slashing her claws across Spiritfeather's chest.

Spiritfeather yowled in pain, then hissed and backed up a bit, blood dripping from her pure white chest fur and onto the dark tree. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean any harm!"
Your funeral, m'dude.

Embersoar growled and leaned forward abruptly, fiercely hissing in the white tabby's face. Spiritfeather leaped back, just out of reach of Embersoar's gleaming jaws- and straight off of the tree branch.
Okay but if you saw a cat in hell, you probably wouldn't start up a conversation with it.

As Spiritfeather began to fall backwards into a particularly spiky bramble, Embersoar pricked her orange tipped ears. She would die if she fell from that height into those brambles!
Well shoot, you didn't care a second ago.

She didn't know what made her do it, but as fast as lightning, Embersoar leaped off the branch after the skinny white tabby, snatching her white scruff in her teeth, and unfurling her glossy wings right above the brambles, saving Spiritfeather from a shredding fate.
Heh. Heheh. Oh dear.

But then again, she didn't know what made her do it, but she began to rise higher into the foul smelling air, Spiritfeather's trembling form still in her grasp.
Yes yes we get it, the dark forest is awful. Stahp heckin describing it

"Uhh, thanks for saving me?" Spiritfeather whimpered, stunned and confused by the sudden random events.
Me too, Spirit

Embersoar growled and threw the she-cat into the air, earning a screech followed by a terrified yowl as she began to plummet to the ground. Embersoar dove in like a hawk, once again grabbing her by the scruff.
Introducing the new sport... Catball!

"I- I'm so sorry!" Embersoar meowed loudly, her voice muffled by fur. "I think there's something wrong with me!"
Ya think?!

Spiritfeather didn't answer, shivering in terror, her eyes like twin moons.

Embersoar began to glide down to the foul earth, bracing for landing, when something meowed, "Stop!"
Wait wot

Embersoar stopped gliding and hovered in mid air, trying to find out what had talked to her.

"You're actually going to save her?" snarled the voice, full of scorn.

"Why did we stop?" Spiritfeather mewed fearfully, still shivering.
Don't worry, just the voices again.

Spiritfeather must not be able to hear the voice! Embersoar thought, continuing to glide down.

~~~*Spiritfeather's POV*~~~

Spiritfeather was helplessly dangling in the jaws of an unstable Lavapride cat.
All because I killed my sister...

Soulfinder had been Spiritfeather's sister, until she and Spiritfeather had crossed the big Thunderpath, where Soulfinder was hit by a gleaming Monster, the color of her sister's blood.
That comma confused be for awhile. It's not supposed to be there lol

It was all my fault... Spiritfeather thought, a fresh tear seeping out of her glimmering blue eye. It was my idea...
Wait if it was an accident, why are you here?

Then suddenly, she was falling through mid-air.
That's okay, you were close to the ground.

She screamed an looked up, seeing th unstable cat's normally orange eyes, now purple, no pupils, and a purple aura rising from them.
Oh nyello

That's when the dark foul-smelling place when jet black.
Wait what?? They were close to the ground

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