Chapter 9- Scattered

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Leafshine ran along a long, thin oak branch, leaping at the last moment to land on a Norwegian pine. She had decided tree leaping was the safest way of transportation since the BloodBurst Plague was infecting so many cats.
Cats probably don't know specific words like "Norwegian". Why didn't I just write "pine"?

A twig swiped her nose and she sneezed. It was a lot safer, but a lot more annoying, she theought as she flew through the air, liaanding on another Norwegian Pine.
Again? Really.

Before she could stop herself, she hurled herself into a large prickly pine tree. Pine needles pricked her skin and she yelped, blindly gripping a small branch, her eyes squeezed shut and her claws digging clumsily into the rough bark. She began to pull herself up, still sending pine needles showering onto the ground below, when the wind changed and the branch swung. Leafshine lost her hasty grip and plunged down to the ground below, yelping and flailing around for something to hold on to, butterflies flapping madly in her stomach.
Woopsies, you're screwed

She hit the ground on her back with a thud, scattering pine needles in every direction. She yelped once more, pain shooting up her spine. She lay there for a moment, shaken and stunned, then rolled over onto her paws, crouching down and darting her eyes around wildly.
Hope no cat saw that, She thought, fluffing up her fur to dislodge lingering pine needles.
What? You suffer a fall like that and just shake it off??

She caught the scent of squirrel almost just as her belly growled.
Wow I should have broken multiple bones- IS THAT FOOD I SMELL????

Leafshine stalked low to the ground around a holly bush, forgetting her mission to find another cat. She finally spotted the fluffy tailed creature digging in the soft soil.
I am questioning your priorities, Leafshine.

She stalked slowly forward, making sure her tail didn't brush against any undergrowth. Then she sprung like a leopard at the squirrel, flying through the air and hitting...
***sprang? I think at least. Wait now I'm not sure. Ughhh English is really hard

A dark gray tabby pelt?
My god, the squirrels are evolving

The cat hissed as the squirrel squealed and darted away, its fluffy tail disappearing behind a clump of ferns.
Oh just kidding

"I'm so sorry!" Leafshine meowed, backing away from the stranger with her ears lowered. "I didn't know you were stalking it, too!"
Okay, miss narcissist

The cat didn't answer directly. "This is DarkPride territory!" He snarled. "Get out!"
Remind me to add this to the ending analysis

"That's nonsense, Tigershade." a new feminine sounding voice growled behind Leafshine.

She whipped around, spotting an ageing pale tabby she-cat with milky yellow eyes.

"The prides scattered, remember?"
Oh frick

"Scattered?" Leafshine questioned, her eyes widening and her ears pricking.
I mean, your clan was wiped out or gone so idk why you're surprised

"Why do you care?" Tigershade snarled and turned to Leafshine, bearing his teeth menacingly. "You're just a rouge that moved in to the territories to take advantage of the prey!"
And to take a dip in the whole plague thing. Sounds like a party.

Leafshine opened her jaws to defend herself when the pale she-cat spoke up.

"Tigershade, you mousebrained idiot! Use your nose! She smells faintly of LifePride!" She gave a snort of disgust.
It's a miracle she doesn't smell like a dirt monster

"Palestripe, how could I- I mean-..." Tigershade was at a loss of words, unable to defend himself. "She's still LifePride!"
We have an angery boi on our hands

"While you guys sit here and discuss where I'm from, I would like to ask a few questions." Leafshine growled impatiently, flicking her orange tail.
That was a really quick change of emotions

"Of course, dear." Palestripe dipped her head. "I'm Palestripe, and this is Tigershade." She meowed, pointing with her tail to the seething tom. "What do you need to know?"

"First of all, why did the Prides scatter?" Leafshine asked.
Is this not suspicious at all to Palestripe? A fellow cat claiming to be of Lifepride asks where everyone went. Hmmm

"The plague, dearie." a shadow passed over Palestripe's face. "No cat could trust each other to not be infected. It happens too sudden to know."

"Okay, so secondly, has anything... weird or spiritual happened?" Leafshine couldn't help but inch away slightly.

"Oh, yes!" Palestripe looked at her seriously. "A cat called Leafshine in LifePride fell asleep suddenly, unable to wake up and emitting a strange green glow."
How do they not know who she is?? A.) She's in the prides. Generally, every cat should have somewhat of an idea of who everyone is.  And B.) She had a whole prophecy line before this!!

Leafshine stiffened. "That's me!" She meowed suddenly. "I'm Leafshine! I was glowing?"

Palestripe's eyes went wide. "You? Wow. Yes you were glowing, so I was told."

"While you two she-cats gossip about LifePride, I'm gonna go see if I can't track down that squirrel." Tigershade growled, getting to his paws suddenly, obviously bored.
Let's go with Keith- cough I mean Tigershade

As he stalked off, Palestripe sighed, closing her eyes. "Sorry, he's always been a grump, well, especially since his family died."
Well yeah, I think I'd be a little upset, too.

"That's terrible!" Leafshine gasped, her heart sinking at the thought.
Are you surprised?? Everyone is gone. You'd think families would stick together. Tigershade doesn't have any other relatives with him, unless Palestripe is his mother or grandmother.

"Yes," Palestripe raised her graying muzzle. "Would you like to hunt with me?"
What a nice old lady

"Sure." Leafshine mewed, flicking her tail.

They began to stalk through the undergrowth, when Leafshine's mind drifted back to the puzzle of the prophecy.
I can't believe it. She thought, thinking of Silverteeth.
The 'Light' prophecy cat is my sister...

Okay, analysis time. At the beginning of the chapter, Leafshine is traveling via trees as to avoid cats. But then reveals her goal was to- find cats? This is... counter productive.. Then, when she's confronted for being on another pride's territory, she says she had no idea that the prides split even though her own pride was nonexistent by the time she was rescued. Even if she legitimately didn't know, she decided to cross into another pride's territory illegally. Hm. Then, when she's acting submissive and apologetic when confronted by Tigershade, she suddenly turns irritated when him and Palestripe argue about her. She grows irritated when what she wants is obstructed.
I'm gonna use the N word


I got u there didn't I hhuehu

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